"will" (see will (n.)) + helma "helmet," from Proto-Germanic *helmaz "protective… See origin and meaning of william.
1824; said to have been given as a toast by Sir William Curtis (1752-1829), a beloved lord mayor of London in the 1820s, who seems to have been a figure of fun to whom many mangled phrases were attributed. Among the toasts he is alleged to have given at public dinners were "The ...
Silvanus apply to a single New Testament character, and although Silas is obviously short for Silvanus (the way Dick is short for Richard, and Bill for William), the name Silas has a distinct Semitic ring to it, whereas Silvanus (or Silouanos) leans more toward the Latin sound of things....
Soon people start calling him Bill (short for Itzenbil), which is indistinguishable from Bill (short for William) who had been your neighbor for decades. Originally El was the name of a Canaanite god, but Biblically the name El stands to Elohim the way Bob stands to Robert. See for a...
� The United States usage of “ultimate dominion” and “right of possession” as property law concepts brings the discussion back to William Brandon’s etymology of dominium: “unrestricted power, absolute dominium, lordship, tyranny, despotism. � 由于美国使用“最终支配权”和“占有权”作为...
The Value of Place Name Etymology in the Teaching of Geographydoi:10.1080/00221346508981992GandyWilliam E.Journal of Geography
An overview of the word "passion," including the etymological history of the word and how it has changed over time.
Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins by William Morris and Mary Morris (Editors) Anyone interested in the English language will be fascinated by - and then obsessed with - this dictionary that reads like an erudite gossip column for the city of words. The Morrises bring an extensive knowledg...
The game seems to have originated in the 1500s and as a parlor game for adults. Thebuffpart of the name was the original because the poor guy in the blindfold quite often got thumped and smacked around by those merry sighted players. Sobuffwas along the lines ofbuffetandrebuff. ...
The game seems to have originated in the 1500s and as a parlor game for adults. Thebuffpart of the name was the original because the poor guy in the blindfold quite often got thumped and smacked around by those merry sighted players. Sobuffwas along the lines ofbuffetandrebuff. ...