Greek conformed the Hebrew ending to its own customs. The-h-in English was inserted in imitation of the Medieval Latin form. Old English had the Biblical name asIohannes. As the name of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, it was one of the most frequent Christian given names, and ...
Originally an appeal for deliverance; used in Christian Church as an ascription of praise, because when Jesus entered Jerusalem this was shouted by Galilean pilgrims in recognition of his messiahhood (Matthew xxi.9, 15, etc.). Jason Jesus ...
't have much of a role. He's mentioned in a genealogy as the son of Bela, the first born ofBenjamin(1 Chronicles 8:1). In the New Testament occurs one Abiud, son ofZerubbabel, in the genealogy ofChrist(Matthew 1:13). The name Abiud is theGreektransliteration of theHebrewname Abi...
The name Menorah: Summary Meaning Lamp Stand Etymology From the noun נור (ner), lamp. Related names • Via נור (ner): Abner, Aram-naharaim, Ner, Nereus, Neri, Neriah The name Menorah in the Bible Menorah is not really a name but one of those ordinary Hebrew words ...
The name of this insect is spelled with the letters ‹qu› in several languages, including Catalan mosquit, Spanish mosquito, French moustique, Galician mosquito, and Portuguese mosquito (also borrowed Hmong and Lao mosquito).Its original name in Latin was culex but in Italian, it is called...
Paluzzi, Alessandro, Juan Fernandez-Miranda, Matthew Torrenti, and Paul Gardner. 2012. `Retracing the Etymology of Terms in Neuroanatomy'. Clin- ical Anatomy 25 (8): 1005-14. doi:10.1002/ca.22053.Paluzzi A, Fernandez-Miranda J, Torrenti M, Gardner P. 2012. Retrac- ing the etymology of...
16. & that by the Popes & churches sentence I know onely S. Matthewes gospell to be canonicall, and that the gospell of Nicodemus is not authenticke, I grant all, but I deny that here there is any maze or circle, that you would fayne from hence inferr, since this mutuall reference...
Matthew TorrentiPaul GardnerPaluzzi A, Fernandez-Miranda J, Torrenti M, Gardner P.Retracing the Etymology of Terms in Neuroanatomy[J].Clinical Anatomy 2012 Nov,25(8): 1005-1014.Paluzzi A, Fernandez-Miranda J, Torrenti M, Gardner P. Retracing the etymology of terms in neuro- anatomy. Clin...
The lyrics of the song of that name, sometimes called the unofficial Australian national anthem, are said to date to 1893. Madison surname attested from early 15c., probably in many cases a variant ofMathieson"son of Matthew," but in some cases perhaps "son ofMaddy," from the pet form ...
from Late Latinmammona, from Ecclesiastical Greekmamōnas, from Aramaicmamona,mamon"riches, gain;" a word left untranslated in Greek New Testament (Matthew vi.24, Luke xvi.9-13), retained in the Vulgate, and regarded mistakenly by medieval Christians as the name of a demon who leads men to...