"word by which a person or thing is denoted," Old English nama, noma "name, reputation,"… See origin and meaning of name.
(source also of Old Norsegarðr"enclosure, garden, yard;" Old Frisiangarda, Dutchgaard, Old High Germangarto, GermanGarten"garden;" Gothicgards"house,"garda"stall"), of uncertain origin, perhaps from PIE*ghor-to-, suffixed form of root*gher-(1) "to grasp, enclose," with derivatives...
In this Adventure in Etymology, we’re looking into the origins of the wordorigin, and randomly looking at the wordrandom. A random and original rowing boat Origin[ˈɒɹ.ɪ.dʒɪn/ˈɔɹ.ɪ.dʒɪn] is: The beginning of something ...
Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology: Oxford Paperback Reference by T.F. Hoad (Editor) With 17,000 entries, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology is a cut-down version of The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, the principal authority on the origin and development of ...
Etymology, the history of a word or word element, including its origins and derivation. Although the etymologizing of proper names appears in the Old Testament and Plato dealt with etymology in his dialogue Cratylus, lack of knowledge of other languages
1.(Linguistics) the gradual change in the form of a word through the influence of a more familiar word or phrase with which it becomes associated, as for examplesparrow-grassforasparagus 2.(Linguistics) a popular but erroneous conception of the origin of a word ...
Related names • Viaמשה(masha):Isshiah,Manasseh,Mash,Massa,Sheya,Sion • Viaμυσω(muso):Mysia The name Moses in the Bible The familiar name Moses is theLatinversion of theGreeknameΜωσης(Moses), which in turn is a transliteration of theHebrewnameמשה(Moshe), ...
the origin of Old English Ngoc Anh Designed for iPad ¥22.00 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This app provides a dictionary of Old English etymology This dictionary will help you to find the etymology of Old English terms, names, prefixes, roots and suffixes. ...
Origin and history of the name Cox: surname, from early 16c., earlier Cocks (c. 1300), in many cases from cock (n.1), which apparently w ... See more.
Theetymologyof a word refers to its origin and historical development: that is, its earliest known use, its transmission from onelanguageto another, and its changes in form andmeaning.Etymologyis also the term for the branch oflinguisticsthat studies word histories. What's the Difference Between ...