Entries linking togood morning good(adj.) Old Englishgōd(with a long "o") "excellent, fine; valuable; desirable, favorable, beneficial; full, entire, complete;" of abstractions, actions, etc., "beneficial, effective; righteous, pious;" of persons or souls, "righteous, pious, virtuous;" ...
1300; good way "a great distance" is mid-15c. Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing. ["As You Like It"] As good as "practically, virtually" is from mid-14c.; to be good for "beneficial to" is from late 14c. To make good "repay (costs, expenses), atone for ...
Political speeches, parades of labor organizations, and public demonstrations take place on May 1 as well.There is a superstition in Norway, dating back to pre-Christian times, about hearing the cuckoo's first call in spring: If the call comes from the south, the year will be good; if ...
" or "have good health!" and became a usual way of ending a letter. Adjectiveαρρωστος(arrostos) means not in good health, not enthusiastic. ερεω The verbερεω(ereo) means to verbally convey. It's clearly related to the verbρεω(reo), meaning to flow, and is...
james lipton wrote “an exaltation of larks”, an illustrated book on the subject. i might pick it up! yesterday i called melissa to say hi and chat and all that good stuff. we were talking about something infuriating to both of us, and she said “and you know what really gets my go...
off the coast of Africa'(OED) and a‘bull’s eye‘ in 1849 indicated ‘a little dark cloud, reddish in the middle, chiefly appearing about the Cape of Good Hope’ (OED) Flat topped clouds were termed a ‘bank ‘from 1601 onwards. Streaks of clouds may be called ‘flakes‘ in 1744,...
Physics speaks of "symmetry" when a collective consists of elements that have no markable difference, and a "symmetry breach" when a difference begins to be apparent. The story of the Bible is a story of breaches in symmetry. In Adam (meaning: at the level of bio-complexity that Adam per...
“One fine morning in the middle of the Precession (sic) of the Equinoxes this ’satiable Elephant’s Child asked a new fine question that he had never asked before. He asked, ‘What does the Crocodile have for dinner?’” In the spirit of following the precession of equinoxes I’ll ...
一周一更 On the De Facto Leaders podcast, host Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan helps pediatric therapists and educators become better leaders, so they can make a bigger impact with their services. With over 15 years of experience supporting school-age kids with diverse learning needs, Dr. Karen shares...
1709, shortened form ofgood-bye. Also comparelullaby. Reduplicationbye-byeis recorded from 1736; as a sound used to lull a child to sleep it is attested from c. 1500. Advertisement Trends ofgood-bye Sharegood-bye ‘cite’ https://www.etymonline.com/word/good-bye ...