That branch of philological science which treats of the history of words, tracing out their origin, primitive significance, and changes of form and meaning. 2. That part of grammar which relates to the changes in the form of the words in a language; inflection. ...
But de Vaan writes that "the meaning of pēnītus ['furnished with a tail'] as well as general semantic considerations suggest that the meaning 'tail' is original, and 'penis' metaphorically derived from it." The proper plural is penes. The adjective is penial. In psychological writing, ...
In Bengal and elsewhere, among Anglo-Indians, it is often used with a slight savour of disparagement, as characterizing a superficially cultivated, but too often effeminate, Bengali. [Yule and Burnell, "Hobson-Jobson," 1886] In reference to "the ornate and somewhat unidiomatic English of an In...
It is related to the second element in Sanskrit. Prakrit (n.) collective name for the popular dialects of ancient northern and central India (distinguished from and succeeding Sanskrit), sometimes also applied to modern languages (Hindi, Bengali, etc.), 1766, from Sanskrit prakrta- "natural, ...
"repeatedly, again and again, many times, under many circumstances," mid-13c., an… See origin and meaning of often.
"Bengali country," from Bangla "Bengali" (see Bengal) + desh "country." Related:… See origin and meaning of bangladesh.
"pertaining to India or its inhabitants," 1877, from Latin Indicus "of India," or Greek… See origin and meaning of indic.
*sem-(1) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "one; as one, together with." It forms all or part of:anomalous;anomaly;assemble;assimilate;ensemble;facsimile;fulsome;hamadryad;haplo-;haploid;hendeca-;hendiadys;henotheism;hetero-;heterodox;heterosexual;homeo-;homeopathy;homeostasis;homily;homo-(1) "sa...
1590s, "not refined in manners or speech," fromun-(1) "not" +refined. The meaning "not purified, not free from gross matter" is recorded from c. 1600. Advertisement Trends ofrefined Sharerefined ‘cite’ ...