The Turfan Parthian word "nw r" appears in Manichaean Fragment M5815 Vi/29/. Andreas Henning (Durkin-Meisterernst, 2004) and Boyce (1975) have cited this word, but without any meaning or interpretation. Durkin-Meisterenst (2004) suggested that poss. a misspelling of ...
this pathbreaking dictionary places primary emphasis on the sounds and meanings of Sinitic roots. Based on more than three decades of intensive investigation in primary and secondary sources, this completely new dictionary places Old Chinese squarely within the Sino-Tibetan language family (including clo...
学术论坛 SClENCE&TECHNOL0GY 圆 试探韩国语paksu( 伞)的词源① 赵亮 (北华大学外语学院韩国语专业 吉林吉林 132013) 摘要:韩国语男巫名称为paksu( 牵),其词源有“汉字词说”和“阿尔泰同源说”两种。本文分析了“阿尔泰同源说”的问题所在,并 从古代官制名出发,探讨了paksu的词源。在否定“阿尔泰同源说”的基...
Investigation on author's concept in the Russian National Corpus The data analysis of the Russian National Corpus (RNC) is being carried out by an increasing number of researchers, since the choice of lexical units and t... K Ekaterina,E Tutova,I Grekhanova,... - 《Gesec Revista De Ges...
阿尔泰语言词源词典,3卷-Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages, 3 Volumes.pdf,S. A. Starostin, A. V. Dybo, O. A. Mudrak An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages S. A. Starostin, A. V. Dybo, O. A. Mudrak (with the assistance of I. Gruntov a
A toponymic investigation of South African gated communities Research into place names has evolved to beyond the encyclopaedic rendition of their etymological and taxonomic foundations. Toponymy was criticized as atheoretical, apolitical and uncritical until the toponymic turn in the latter half o......
6) Investigation of Original Words of Xupu Dialect 溆浦方言本字考补充资料:方言 一种语言中跟标准语言有区别的、只在一个地区使用的话,如汉语的粤方言、吴方言等。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考词条陇东方言本字考释 陕北方言本字新考 莆仙方言本字新考 方言本字 宜昌方言字考古...
(lit.learning)鈥攖he foundational education concepts in the traditional Chinese cultural contextto enlighten our contemporary understandings of education and educational research.Design/Approach/Methods:This study first lays its foundation on an etymological investigation.It then integrates t...
(1970). Marijuana and the assassins -- An etymological investigation. International Journal of the Addictions, 5, 747-757.Casto, D.M.: III, Marijuana and the assassins–An etymological investigation. Int. J. Addictions , 5: 747–755, 1970....
While writing a forthcoming book on the history of the jazz discography, the author ninvestigated the origins of two key words, "discography" and "metadiscography." Gener-nally thought to have been frst used in 1936, "discography," a systematic list or catalog of nsound recordings, actually...