#董雨嫣 6岁3个月练习 车尔尼练习曲作品740第18首Carl Czerny-Etude No.18 op.740(699) 董雨嫣Piano七月之聲 131 0 #董雨嫣 6岁4个月练习#巴赫三部创意曲第11首 Bach Sinfonia No.11 in g minor , BWV797 董雨嫣Piano七月之聲 22 0 #董雨嫣 6岁4个月练习#巴赫平均律#BWV886 Prelude and Fu...
董雨嫣 2018年7月出生于北京市海淀区,2岁10个月起开始随父学琴。每天练琴限制不超过7小时。微信视频号公众号、抖音同名董雨嫣Piano七月之聲。有幸接受过数十位钢琴家、钢琴教育家的活动、讲座、音乐会大师班等。董雨嫣截止在5岁末前的主要比赛经历有: 2024MGNS乐生新境欧洲国际钢琴大赛全球总决赛,幼儿组冠军第...
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、
ETUDE IN A MINOR-Carl Czerny 艺术家:未知 调性:a调 演奏难度:-- 创建时间:2018-04-23在弹 想弹 弹过 喜欢| 加入谱集| 手机查看 扫一扫 手机查看 下载环球钢琴网APP iphone应用下载 Android应用下载 | 全屏查看 下载图片 上一页1下一页 分享 ...
In this study, the 34th etude of the book Czerny Op. 299 that is one of the commonly employed books in the piano training was analyzed in terms of technique and harmony. The etude was examined in terms of its technical features and contributions to technical development. If an etude is ...
《为单手而作的练习曲》Etude for One Hand ,A大调,4/4拍,不过分的快板。车尔尼设计的这个作品是可以分别作为左手、右手单手练习曲而使用,其中综合了快速音阶、分解和弦、颤音、保留音、断奏、跳音、双音、和弦、八度奏法,以及各种技术的相互组合等指法练习,是一首可用于检验各手综合演奏技术的作品。 评论...
Cramer and Carl Czerny. However, these pieces were exactly that: exercises—didactic compositions and nothing more. Chopin’s études, on the other hand, not only introduced new technical challenges to the performer but also elevated the form from a technical study to an artistic composition. For...
Etude melodieuse, Op.795 No.3Carl Czerny
Cramer and Carl Czerny. However, these pieces were exactly that: exercises—didactic compositions and nothing more. Chopin’s études, on the other hand, not only introduced new technical challenges to the performer but also elevated the form from a technical study to an artistic composition. For...
车尔尼:感伤即兴曲(Carl Czerny:Impromptu sentimental "O nume benefico", Op. 523) 冻番石榴 415 0 “兄弟,你手好小” LichtjahreXI 8935 2 #董雨嫣 6岁3个月练习 车尔尼740第3首 Carl Czerny-Etude No.3 op.740(699) 董雨嫣Piano七月之聲 133 0 ...