The Electricity Transformer Temperature (ETT) is a crucial indicator in the electric power long-term deployment. This dataset consists of 2 years data from two separated counties in China. To explore the granularity on the Long sequence time-series forec
loadDataSet(''); function loadDataSet(url) { //Read the spatial data and add it to the map. => { if (r) { //Update the features in the data source. datasource.setShape...
What have you used this dataset for? Learning 0Research 0Application 0LLM Fine-Tuning 0 How would you describe this dataset? Well-documented 0Well-maintained 0Clean data 0Original 0High-quality notebooks 0Other insights Activity Overview
These six CSV files contain all the information used by subsequent processing modules; the four original files from the Aminer dataset are not used again. Module 2: Filtering Module:filteringLocation:filtered-csv/Config:filtered_dir Rather than examining the entire dataset at once, many experiments ...
measurements are continuous variables, which will be summarized as the means ± standard deviations and analysed by an independent-samples t test or expressed as medians with ranges and analysed by a Kruskal‒Wallis test due to the distribution and homogeneity of variance of the dataset. P...{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes Az erőforrásokat és műveleteket paraméterek alapján hozzáfűzheti az alap URL-címhez. Az alábbi ábrán a Csoportok, az Adatkészletekés a Frissítések gyűjtemények. A csoportosítás, ...
Dataset preparation: FFHQ Download pre-trained models and other data. Put them in the experiments/pretrained_models folder. Pretrained StyleGAN2 model: StyleGAN2_512_Cmul1_FFHQ_B12G4_scratch_800k.pth Component locations of FFHQ: FFHQ_eye_mouth_landmarks_512.pth A simple ArcFace model: arcface...
逐步解說:建立 SQL Server Express 資料庫 逐步解說:顯示 Windows 應用程式之表單上的資料 HOW TO:連接至資料庫中的資料 HOW TO:連接至 Web 服務中的資料 HOW TO:連接至物件中的資料 HOW TO:連接至 Access 資料庫中的資料 概念 區域資料概觀 DataSet 設計工具 資料來源概觀...
【Craft Beers数据采集:(Python)自建数据集教程】《Scraping for Craft Beers: A Dataset Creation Tutorial | No Free Hunch》by Nicholas Hould
var datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource(); map.sources.add(datasource); //Load a dataset of points, in this case earthquake data from the USGS. datasource.importDataFromUrl(''); //Create a heat map and add...