大概是疫情笼罩在大家心底的阴霾太久了,与往年圣诞主题色「深红」「深绿」有所不同,根据迄今为止的Etsy的数据报告,大家反而更偏爱亮色。报告指出今年在Etsy上搜索”disco ball decor“的人数上升了346%,搜索"vibrant wall art”的人数上升了86%,搜索“hot pink fashion items”的人数上升了34%,搜索"colorful wreath...
Many people buy plants for themselves and as gifts for others, including succulents and other easy-to-grow indoor plants. If you don’t have a green thumb, faux plants could be a route to explore as well. The phrase “Etsy wreaths” generates around 1,600 average monthly searches and coul...
10月至12月,Etsy Christmas crackers(圣诞爆竹)搜索量同比增长203%;Christmas Eve boxes(平安夜盒子)的搜索量同比增长240%。在英国,购物者会在圣诞节前举行活动,比如放在桌上的平安夜礼盒和圣诞爆竹。在德国,Advent calendar(降临节日历)和wreaths(花环)特别受欢迎,家庭通常用圣诞灯、星星和树...
如果您想要更细分您的目标市场,那么您可以输入一些更具体的关键词或类别,例如“Christmas ornaments”、“Christmas cards”、“Christmas wreaths”等等,然后比较它们在ETSY上的平均售价。根据ESale显示的数据,我们可以看到这些关键词或类别在ETSY上的平均售价都有所不同,其中“Christmas ornaments”和“Christmas cards”有...
Wreaths aren’t just for Christmas; they can also be year-round. If you’re crafty, create holiday wreaths for all the seasons. You can make an Easter wreath for the spring and a 4th of July wreath for the summer. Creating wreaths can lead to a solid, year-round business. Mugs They...
12 Christmas Card Printables {free downloads} Homemade Lip Balm Recipe & Printable Labels {DIY Gift} 25 DIY Christmas Wreaths {Holiday Decor} DIY Thanksgiving Ideas–Free Printables! Everything Etsy Holiday Gift Guide–No. 1 7 Harry Potter Craft Ideas & Printables 7 Halloween Party Printables ...
I always love the idea of making everything myself, but there are times when you have to mix it up a bit. Some of these ideas can really save you money. You won’t have to go out and buy a ton of supplies and maybe you’ll maintain your sanity…to a degree. ...
What sells on Etsy depends on when you ask. Like every market, sales for different products fluctuate by season. If you can find things to make and sell that move all year long, you’ve got a sustainable home business idea. So “what sells on Etsy?” is a good question, but a more...
Many people buy plants for themselves and as gifts for others, including succulents and other easy-to-grow indoor plants. If you don’t have a green thumb, faux plants could be a route to explore as well. The phrase “Etsy wreaths” generates around 1,600 average monthly searches and coul...
Many people buy plants for themselves and as gifts for others, including succulents and other easy-to-grow indoor plants. If you don’t have a green thumb, faux plants could be a route to explore as well. The phrase “Etsy wreaths” generates around 1,600 average monthly searches and coul...