-- And even more! New features are always being added to create the best possible experience for our sellers. You need an Etsy shop to use this app. Get started at www.etsy.com/sell. 新內容 版本紀錄 App 隱私權 開發者「Etsy, Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需...
The seller manages listing taxonomy IDs for their shop. Shipping Profile ID shipping_profile_id True integer The numeric ID of the shipping profile associated with the listing. Materials materials string A array of material strings for materials used in the product. Valid materials strings ...
Top Etsy seller app for taking automatic backup from multiple Etsy shops – Backsty The Backsty app is an important tool for every Etsy seller. It’s an automatic backup with manual restore options. That means that you can revert to a previous version of your shop if there’s a need to...
Being a seller on esty is one of the best side jobs for some people, especially if you want to work from home in today’s work market. In this free course we will learn about the following: - What is Etsy and how can we make great side jobs out of it?
As an Etsy seller and self-employed businessperson, you must report your net business income on your tax return. To organize your business income and expenses, you can use the Etsy tax preparation checklist below. Some of the items may not apply to you,
For many years, the debate between Shopify and Etsy has been ongoing. Shopify is an easy way for merchants to build online shops. If you sell amazing products and are looking to make them available online, you may not know which platform to choose. You might be an Etsy seller and want ...
An active seller is an Etsy seller who has incurred at least one charge from Etsy in the last 12 months. Charges include transaction fees, listing fees and fees for Direct Checkout, Promoted Listings, Shipping Labels and Wholesale enrollment. An Etsy seller is a member who has created an ...
Basic features for the seller's app Sign in/sign up Listings management page where sellers can upload photos and videos, set up the price, add and edit the description, etc. Dashboard for the sellers to review all the key data, like the number of orders, reviews, etc. ...
Is Etsy a fit for your products? Before joining other Etsy sellers on this vibrant marketplace,check in with Etsy’sSeller Policyto confirm that this platform suits your business needs. Keep in mind that all items on Etsy must be custom, handmade, vintage, or craft supplies. ...
May 24, 2016 How it works: Etsy Shop Updates Sept. 6, 2016 How it works: understanding Etsy reviews July 16, 2016 15 reasons why your Etsy shop doesn't get much sales July 8, 2016 Introducing coupon manager April 6, 2016 Etsy SEO tips for beginners ...