雨果网从外媒近日的报道中了解到,Etsy目前为卖家提供电话和邮件支持团队、论坛和卖家手册等服务,而关于新推出的项目,“Seller Account Management是卖家获得帮助的另一个渠道。”Etsy方面表示,“我们为参与这个项目的卖家指派一名卖家账户管理员,管理员提供商店评价、业务培训和产品教育等服务。” Etsy在博客上解释:“Sell...
点击浏览器右上角小人头 选择:Account settings 选择Emails>>>resend confirmation emails 选择resend confirmation Emails 这样子会就发一封信到你的邮箱了。 到你的邮箱里面,找到这封信,点击:“Confirm Account” 这样子,你激活你了你的邮箱了。 2.0注册卖家账号 点击浏览器右上角小人头 选择:Sell on Etsy 这样子...
1. PayPal (All Sellers): Enter the e-mail address associated with the Seller's PayPal account. 2. Credit cards (only for American sellers): Accept credit cards directly at Etsy. 3. Electronic money order: such as check or money order, leaving the seller's email address. 4. Bank transfe...
I hope that the platform can understand the demands of an ordinary seller, and can give us a chance to reopen a store. We will require our own products more strictly and provide sellers with better products and help, thank you! mailbox: account number: Shop name: 3)那么,常见的一些被封...
order, and you need to contact Etsy directly, you'll need to create an account and claim your order through it. This process ensures that you, as a guest buyer, can monitor your Etsy purchases efficiently and have a clear line of communication with the seller or Etsy, should the need ...
Etsy Seller is the newest way to manage your shop on the go. It’s got everything you need to easily respond to customers, create and edit listings, see your sho…
販売者ユーザー ID seller_user_id integer このトランザクションの販売者の数値ユーザー ID。 購入者ユーザー ID buyer_user_id integer このトランザクションの購入者の数値ユーザー ID。 作成タイムスタンプ create_timestamp integer トランザクションの作成日時 (エポック秒単位)。 支...
Amazon pays through direct deposit into the seller’s bank account. Payment schedules also differ: Amazon pays sellers every two weeks, and Etsy defaults to a weekly payment schedule but allows sellers to change this setting to daily, weekly, or monthly....
Select whether you’re an individual seller or an incorporated business. Then, enter your personal information, including your name and address. Finally, enter the details of the bank account you want your Etsy revenue paid into. 5. Set up billing While it’s free to set up an account and...