3、Promo Code(折扣码) 这个是万能折扣码!比如你可以在包裹里面塞小卡片(上面有折扣码)给客户,让客户把自己的店推荐给朋友,朋友或者自己再次下单的时候就可以用这个折扣码。你可以设置自己的折扣码叫什么。 4、Run A Sale 简单点说,它是一种简单粗暴地coupon,免邮费和打几折。你可以在上面设置最低消费金额、数...
With the AI Product Matcher, you can use scraped product data to monitor product matches across the industry, implement dynamic pricing for your website, replace or complement manual mapping, and obtain realistic estimates against your competition for upcoming promo campaigns. Most importantly, it is...
1.打开http://www.etsy.com,点击sign in,点击Register,输入新邮箱+first name+密码,点击Register;...