信用卡(Credit Cards ):仅针对美国卖家。 PayPal:针对所有卖家,Etsy建议卖家注册PayPal高级或企业账户,不要注册PayPal个人账户,原因:1.个人账户每月收款有限制。2. 个人账户不能接收买家在paypal绑定信用卡进行支付的款项(也就是使用信用卡作为PayPal的款项来源),而这个是很大部分客户的选择,会损失很大部分客户。 支票...
1. PayPal (All Sellers): Enter the e-mail address associated with the Seller's PayPal account. 2. Credit cards (only for American sellers): Accept credit cards directly at Etsy. 3. Electronic money order: such as check or money order, leaving the seller's email address. 4. Bank transfe...
You can use a debit card if it has a credit card logo on it (for example: the card was issued by or is backed by a credit card company). Once you have successfully signed up as a seller, we will accept PayPal as a way to pay your bill, but at this time, you cannot register ...
Etsy and PayPal are two crucial tools for small businesses. Find out how they work together and other payment alternatives.
3.Store credit; 4.Etsy gift cards礼品卡; 5.PayPal 贝宝和其他电子钱包; 6.EtsyPayments。 很多Etsy卖家使用Etsy Payments来处理支付,因为这是接受支付的最简单的方式之一。点击可阅读更多关于跨境电商运营实操的内容 六、添加Billing Information(账单信息) ...
目前etsy已经不支持PayPal 付款的卖家注册,所以必须要用支持etsy pay 的国家资料去注册,所以只要准备好当地国家的资料就好了。 2. 信用卡 可以在Google 搜索 prepaid credit card,可以买最低金额的预付信用卡,买回之后, 填写名字和地址与购买资料的地址一致就行了,当然也可以买乒乓的福卡,但是多人用你懂的。 3....
[8] Sellers can choose which payment options to offer buyers, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal, among others.[9] 【参考译文】此外,Etsy还设有强制性的站外广告费用,费率为12%或15%。如果店铺年销售额低于1万美元,可以选择不参与站外广告费用。然而,一旦年销售额达到1万美元,站外广告...
Etsy 支持的支付方式最主要是PayPal和信用卡,但是Etsy也接受其他一些支付方式,所以大家需要一一了解清楚。 Etsy外贸平台支持的收款方式如下: 信用卡(Credit Cards ):仅针对美国卖家。 PayPal:针对所有卖家,Etsy建议卖家注册PayPal高级或者企业账户,不要注册PayPal个人账户,原因:1.个人账户每月收款有限制。2. 个人账户不...
明明确确的回答 !中国人可以用中国身份,中国信用卡,在et上开店 作为一个etsy老玩家,经常跟et客服...
10104 需要用双币信用卡 How you'll get paid the.caments Flo 0.2美金一个Listing 然后是绑定收款方式 Billing address Add a credit card e a form of payment 美国店铺除了PayPal Set up billing 进行收款 仪养板 搜索 <适过方速 福言内容 订单与运输 相片 新增清单 将计资料 封款 商店管理员▼ 完场...