不管是HK,还是UK的账号都会出现这个问题。 只有美国注册的账号就不会出现,因为US账号不用开启etsy payments 他是默认开启这个收款服务的。 前天VIP群友问我的时候,我还觉得是ETSY抽风。 说实话,ETSY抽风不是一次两次了。习惯了就好。 我一般都建议等几天,不要对着ETSY开干。 但到今天为止,都三天了还没有解决,那...
If you use PayPal, Etsy recommends that sellers use its integrated PayPal account for payments to go into your account, but you can choose to be paid into your own PayPal account. Etsy Payments charges a payment processing fee of 4% plus 20p per transaction in the UK. 6. Set up billing...
1.IP一定要干净,如果不知道什么是IP的话,建议可以百度一下,会有详细的讲解,登录etsy最好是住宅ip,住宅ip就对应你要注册的国家住宅的ip,如果你要注册UK(英国),那你的IP一定要是英国的IP,不可以是中国或者是其他地方,不然会无法注册,而且会比较死店。 2.申请的资料一定要真实。 3.需要准备好原创的手工图片,制...
How much does it cost to use Etsy to sell? Some sellers are charged a one-time setup free for opening an Etsy shop. It costs 20¢ to list a product on Etsy. Products sold on Etsy incur a 6.5% transaction fee. International sales are subject to additional fees and currency conversion...
Payments Payments 支払の一覧を取得する 操作ID: PaymentsGet ショップ ID で識別されるショップから支払いの一覧を取得します。 支払い ID の一覧を使用して結果をフィルターすることもできます。 パラメーター テーブルを展開する 名前キー必須型説明 ショップ ID shop_id True integer...
【参考译文】在大多数未提供Etsy Payments服务的地区,新开设Etsy商店变得困难。截至2021年4月26日,大多数在Etsy上开设新店的卖家必须使用Etsy Payments,这对某些国家创建新店带来限制。[94] In June 2022, Etsy announced the August launch of a purchase protection program for buyers and sellers. The company ...
Which is cheaper: Etsy vs. WooCommerce? Pricing between Etsy and WooCommerce is hard to compare. If you have thousands of products, you may end up paying more because of the listing fee on Etsy. However, on WooCommerce, you’ll need to pay for security features, a hosting provider, an ...
Etsy should not be allowed to suspend accounts without reason or withhold payments indefinitely. If you are a seller, be warned—your account and funds could be taken away without explanation or due process.I urge Etsy to take responsibility, review my case fairly, and release my funds. Until...
PayPal options If you’re enrolled in Etsy Payments and you accept PayPal funds into your own PayPal account, you can continue to do so. You can also accept PayPal purchases directly through Etsy Payments. When a buyer purchases using PayPal, the funds from the sale go into your payment ...
Etsy payments are available in over 40 countries, including the UK, Canada, the US, and Australia. That means you will likely be compelled to use the Etsy payments for your store.It provides customers with the option to make payments using various methods such as credit cards, debit cards,...