如果您想全额退款,请单击“Issue a full refund”那个框打个勾。如果您想对交易进行部分退款,请在项目旁边输入要退款的金额(Amount to refund)。点击“Review refund”,检查一下 单击“Submit”提交。如果买家通过Etsy Payments 付款,那么您就大功告成了!但是,如果买家通过其他方式付款,例如没有 Etsy Payments ...
点击“Review refund”,检查一下 单击“Submit”提交。 如果买家通过Etsy Payments 付款,那么您就大功告成了!但是,如果买家通过其他方式付款,例如没有 Etsy Payments 的 PayPal,您将需要通过到paypal后台去向客人们退款。用paypal的都是2021.04.26之前的卖家了。 够在手机etsy app上面退款吗? 是的,您可以通过 Sell ...
点击“Review refund”,检查一下 单击“Submit”提交。如果买家通过Etsy Payments 付款,那么您就大功告...
On top of the listing fee, Etsy charges a 6.5% transaction fee on every sale and sellers also need to account for additional fees such as payment processing fees, which vary depending on the order amount through Etsy Payments. Shipping fees are another consideration, as sellers may need to ...
Payment account- here, you can see how much has been spent on fees, check deposit balance, check your monthly fee statements, and also look at your Etsy payments Payment settings- Update payment methods, adjust your deposit schedule, and add a billing credit card here. And if you’re based...
With Etsy Payments, you can choose from many different payment options. In this new section, you’ll need to provide info about your bank's location, tax status, and personal details. The Etsy Payments pay during set up For sellers with a US bank account, you can connect your bank with...
Payments Payments Get a payment from a specific receiptOperation ID: PaymentGetReceipt Retrieves a payment from a specific receipt, identified by receipt ID, from a specific shop, identified by shop ID. Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Shop ID shop_id True integer The unique pos...
Payments Payments 支払の一覧を取得する 操作ID: PaymentsGet ショップ ID で識別されるショップから支払いの一覧を取得します。 支払い ID の一覧を使用して結果をフィルターすることもできます。 パラメーター テーブルを展開する 名前キー必須型説明 ショップ ID shop_id True integer...
But Etsy can’t track or verify the legitimacy of payments made off-platform, leaving scam victims with potentially no way to dispute fraudulent transactions or claim refunds. How to protect against alternate payment scams on Etsy: Always use Etsy’s built-in payment options so your purchase is...
But Etsy can’t track or verify the legitimacy of payments made off-platform, leaving scam victims with potentially no way to dispute fraudulent transactions or claim refunds. How to protect against alternate payment scams on Etsy: Always use Etsy’s built-in payment options so your purchase is...