总之Etsy Payment是个好产品。 之前Ebay的体量庞大,积重难返,支付端受制于人,在2014年1.45亿条用户被黑客访问,造成了史上最严重的数泄露之后,与Paypal的分割之路异常艰难,Managed Payments的推出也是一波三折。前车之鉴,Etsy的去Paypal化损失与投入做到了最小,对以后的发展大有裨益,于卖家,买家,平台三方而言都是...
After entering information about how you’d like to receive payments, you’ll be asked to choose a billing method. This is how you’ll pay to publish your listings and open your storefront. 6. Customize your Etsy storefront The final step in opening an Etsy shop is to customize your ...
Etsy Payments expansion details Sellers who enroll to use the Etsy Payments technology will have access to the marketplace’s full suite of payment tools. This includes “multiple payment options, including PayPal, all major credit card networks, debit and bank card, Etsy Gift Cards, and Etsy C...
With Etsy Payments, this fee is a fixed rate plus a percentage (3%-6.5%) of the total sale price. In the US, the payment processing fee is 3% + $0.25. For fees in other countries, please refer to the Etsy Help Center for more details. Region-specific fees Etsy may apply additional...
Wix lets you track orders, accept PayPal and credit card payments, create promotional coupons, and set tax and shipping rules for different locations. There’s a tiered monthly pricing plan, plus a community knowledge hub. 5. Ecwid by Lightspeed Ecwid by Lightspeed isn’t a website builder—...
Payments Payments 支払の一覧を取得する 操作ID: PaymentsGet ショップ ID で識別されるショップから支払いの一覧を取得します。 支払い ID の一覧を使用して結果をフィルターすることもできます。 パラメーター テーブルを展開する 名前キー必須型説明 ショップ ID shop_id True integer...
India Payments fees are assessed to sellers in India for the handling of domestic sales. Etsy charges you a processing fee for each transaction when one of your clients makes a purchase and you accept payments. These fees depend on where your bank account is located. Typically, it costs 25...
This service is only available to those that use Etsy Payments orPayPal as a payment methodand is only applicable to sellers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and India. The available delivery services are USPS, FedEx, Canada Post, Royal Mail, Australia Post, Global Po...
Payments Payments Get a payment from a specific receiptOperation ID: PaymentGetReceipt Retrieves a payment from a specific receipt, identified by receipt ID, from a specific shop, identified by shop ID. Parameters ขยายตาราง NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Shop ID shop_id ...
We launched Etsy coupons, a highly targeted approach to driving engagement among select buyers. These are Etsy-funded promotions that buyers can redeem when purchasing any item from a shop using Etsy Payments. Impact Pillars:We continued to make progress on our Impact strategy that reflects the po...