从后台看: Payments国家,比如美国就支持PayPal+各种信用卡 那么如果是只支持PayPal的国家,就只有一个PayPal! (二)那么支持ETSY Payments的国家有哪些呢? https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115015710408-Countries-Eligible-for-Etsy-Payments?segment=selling (大家直接去我的链接,可以直接点击查看哪些国家支持...
昨天在我们的Etsy群里突然有一个卖家说,Etsy可能即将放开中国招商,并且于2024年开放对于Etsy Payments的招商,这就预示着我们中国卖家可能可以以自己的身份材料在Etsy开店,消息一出立即轰动了整个群以及Etsy电商圈子! (图示为Etsy卖家群里沟通) 并且大家都知道,如果是支持 Countries Eligible for Etsy Payments 一定就可以...
昨天在我们的Etsy群里突然有一个卖家说,Etsy可能即将放开中国招商,并且于2024年开放对于Etsy Payments的招商,这就预示着我们中国卖家可能可以以自己的身份材料在Etsy开店,消息一出立即轰动了整个群以及Etsy电商圈子!(图示为Etsy卖家群里沟通)并且大家都知道,如果是支持Countries Eligible for Etsy Payments一定就可以在官方...
Etsy has introduced Etsy Payments to sellers in more than 40 countries since 2012. In time for the holiday season, Etsy Inc. announced that it has expanded Etsy Payments into seven new markets. The expansion allows sellers globally to offer their buyers more payment options and streamline finance...
查看了一下,发现countries list里面,没有中国大陆,只有香港。如果我理解的没错,也就是说,如果没有香港银行或者境外银行的账户,就没法通过这次的验证吧。 Etsy Payments Requirements Starting May 17, 2017, all sellers in eligible countries will be required to sign up for Etsy Payments (formerly known as ...
Sellers based in some European countries may also need to pay a regulatory operating fee on each listing. Payment processing fees Etsy Paymentsis a shop feature that allows customers to pay using convenient options like credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Klarna. Enabling Etsy Paymen...
With Etsy Payments, this fee is a fixed rate plus a percentage (3%-6.5%) of the total sale price. In the US, the payment processing fee is 3% + $0.25. For fees in other countries, please refer to the Etsy Help Center for more details. Region-specific fees Etsy may apply additional...
Sellers based in some European countries may also need to pay a regulatory operating fee on each listing. Payment processing fees Etsy Payments is a shop feature that allows customers to pay using convenient options like credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Klarna. Enabling Etsy Paym...
Payment processing fees.For sellers using Etsy Payments (the primary method for processing payments on Etsy), the fees are 3% of the transaction price plus a fixed fee of $0.25 per transaction for US transactions. However, this rate can vary depending on your bank's location. ...
When it comes to getting paid, Redbubble vs Etsy doesn't have a clear winner. Both allow you to have a flexible option for payment. Using either of these tools, you can get paid directly to your bank account (personal or business). You can also utilize PayPal to accept your payments. ...