Get tips on selling vintage clothes, jewellery, art, prints, furniture & other products on Etsy. Learn how to launch and maintain a successful online shop.
eBay:A large variety of products, bothnewandused.Everything fromelectronicsandcar partstofashionandvintage goods,appealing to a broad range of buyers. Winner It’s a tie. The best platform depends onthe type of products you’ll be selling. Clothing and accessories work on either platform, but...
When it comes to selling handmade, vintage, or unique items online, Etsy has long been the go-to platform for many users. But as businesses grow and the marketplace becomes more competitive, some sellers are looking for alternatives that offer more freedom, better control over their branding, ...
Founded in June 2005, Etsy is an online marketplace founded in Brooklyn, New York, during a burgeoning time for internet startups and new design trends surrounding artisanal and vintage objects. As an online marketplace that works as an intermediary between customers and artists, crafters of han...
Sadly, for small US sellers the expense and difficulty are such thatyou may no longer be able to ship there. Etsy provided this information, three months after the law took effect. EBay recommends compliance. More information According toone official source: ...
eBay uses PayPal22, making it easy for sellers to accept payment in real-time and giving them all the security cover of the service. If you do choose to sell via the auction format, this can drive up your final sale price. Cons
Look for bestselling prints on Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and social media. Try Google Trends, BuzzSumo, or Semrush to track trends using relevant Etsy keywords. Analyze the competition. Find your competitors on the Etsy marketplace and explore their social media and product reviews. With this informa...
They're just another Ebay without the auction. Sellers can be honest people or complete scammers. Personally I haven't been scammed with Etsy. For the most part I'm cautious on any website that hosts personal sales, as you should be. My problem mostly is I find it hard to believe ...
While Etsy is one of the most popularUS dropshipping suppliers, there are many other great companies you can work with. Check our55 dropshipping suppliers to dropship on eBay/Shopify/Amazon/AliExpressand20 Best Dropshipping Suppliers in the UKguides. Don’t know what to sell? Thesedropshipping...
Etsy vs. eBay: 5 essential factors to consider Etsy is a niche marketplace focusing on custom-made and vintage items with a creative twist. eBay, on the other hand, is a broader-scope platform. Instead of products like custom hoodies, eBay customers mostly search for mass-production items,...