Christmas cards are always one of the first things I start to think about when the holidays roll around each year. In the past I’ve spent quite a bit on them, but not now! Christmas Card Printables can be found so easily and you really can’t beat the designs! This year I’ll be...
Overview Etsy has a rating of1.7 starsfrom 1,563 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about Etsy most frequently mention customer service, credit card, and phone number problems. Etsy ranks587thamongMarketplacesites. ...
Exploding Kittens card game. Easy to learn, a little weird and crude, lots of laughing. You have to draw cards that say things like “see the future” (so you can look at the top three cards) or “potato cat” (they explained it to me, but I forget) until you choose an exploding...