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Mention the titles of both shops in your Etsy public profile. Follow Etsy’s seller policy to keep your shops transparent. Register for a new Etsy Store with a different email address. Log in to different web browsers to manage your multiple Etsy shops. Use the “Sell on Etsy” app to ...
If your issue is with a seller or buyer, try to work it out with that individual before turning to for support. Keep in mind that Etsy is a marketplace where sellers and buyers meet to do business together. Your quickest route to a resolution is through the other party to you...
The only proviso is that the products you sell must featureyour owndesigns. You can’t sell POD merch using other people’s designs or anything that infringes on someone else’s copyright. For more information, I’d suggest readingEtsy’s Seller Policy. Is print-on-demand profitable on Etsy?
Klarnais a payment option that lets buyers from Australia, Spain, the UK, and the US pay for their purchases on Etsy in installments.⁵ Buyers can choose the amount of time they want to spread out their payments interest-free. Klarna will process each payment automatically until the total ...
McKinley said he didn’t know why infinite scroll didn’t succeed for Etsy. There wasn’t, as far as they could tell, a technical fault (i.e. infinite scroll breaking in a specific browser). It was just a bad thing and the reason why wasn’t clear. ...
but. I think it’s an important question and I’ve been kind of taking this apart for a couple months now and I’m going to sort of lay out where I am in my thinking but basically the question is look we know the e-commerce giants Amazon, Alibaba, T...