上传产品是在Listings列表清单,上面有个+Add a listing添加列表, 1.上传产品的主图,要求上传10张图片,需要一张主图,三张各个角度的图片,一张细节图,一张使用图,一张尺寸图,两张场景图。图片要求最低要达到1000像素,视觉最佳是1:1比例。如果是长方形的图片宽度要达到1000像素,不然10张照片大小不一样,视觉看上...
在添加一个新的生产合作伙伴“Add a new production partner”的弹出框中,填写详细信息,如生产合作伙伴的名称、所在地、与卖家之间的合作关系、以及其他相关选项。 六、保存 点击保存合作伙伴“Save partner”按钮。蓝海亿观网获悉,到这步,Etsy卖家已经完成了创建生产合作伙伴的操作,接下来还需要将listing与其相连接。
10104 需要用双币信用卡 How you'll get paid the.caments Flo 0.2美金一个Listing 然后是绑定收款方式 Billing address Add a credit card e a form of payment 美国店铺除了PayPal Set up billing 进行收款 仪养板 搜索 <适过方速 福言内容 订单与运输 相片 新增清单 将计资料 封款 商店管理员▼ 完场...
1. 在Listings Page页面,创建一条新的listing,或者选择现有的产品listings; 2. 在listing顶部位置,点击Add photo; 3. 上传产品图,最多可以添加10张; 4. 鼠标滑到Variations位置,添加变体; 5. 点击Link photos; 6. 选择要添加产品图的那个变体,为其添加图片; 7. 下一个变体也是这样操作,蓝海亿观网了解到,即...
1)Add a credit card: 添加VCC信用卡,用途+姓名+地址。 (1) Card number 卡号 (2) Expiration date 到期日期 (3) CCV 安全码 (4) Name on card 持卡人姓名 2)Billing address: 账单地址,与开卡信息一致(即店铺资料)。 #开店成功之前有概率需要提交驾照照片或水电账单,去PS后拍照上传即可。
(3)双币信用卡,绑定缴纳刊登费(0.2美金/Listing)(4)1-3款产品图片,用于开店上产品 (5)...
Let’s move on to addingtags and materialsto the listing. The tags are mainly the keywords we had researched earlier on in this tutorial. Make sure to add all 13 tags to maximize your opportunity of being found by a potential buyer. ...
;request.AddParameter("quantity","1");request.RequestFormat=DataFormat.Json;vardataObj=new{title="This is a test1",description="Test Description1",quantity="1",price="1",is_supply="false",state=
When you add a listing, in the Shipping section, make your shipping costs set to "Calculate Them for Me (Recommended)," enter in the zip code you're shipping from and which countries you'd like to ship to. You can also add calculated shipping to multiple listings to save time. Setting...
The first of the Etsy seller fees UK you’ll need to know about is the Etsy listing fee. You’ll pay a listing fee every time you list an item in your Etsy store, even if that item does not ultimately sell. If you list multiple quantities of a single item, the fee is charged eve...