ETSI TS 138 101-5-2022的发布历史信息,5G; NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 5: Satellite access Radio Frequency (RF) and performance requir
ETSI TS 101 220-2021由欧洲电信标准协会 IX-ETSI 发布于 2021-08-01,并于 2021-08-01 实施。ETSI TS 101 220-2021 智能卡 电信应用提供商的 ETSI 编号系统( 第14版)的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 ETSI TS 101 220-2024 。ETSI TS 101 220-2021的历代版本如下: 2024年 ETSI TS 101 220-2024 智能...
ETSI TS 136 101 V17.8.0 (2023-01)欧洲电信标准.PDF,ETSI TS 1136 458 V13.0.0 (201616-01) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONION Universal Mobile TeTelecommunications System (U (UMTS); LTE; Evolved Universal Terresrestrial Radio Access Network (k (E-UTRAN); SLm interte
全球移动通信系统(UMTS).UICC-终端接口.物理和逻辑特性.3GPP TS 31.101(版本6.5.1,第6次发布), Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical
ETSI TS 101 671: Legacy interception The legacy LI specification that details the interception of telephony and mobile voice services using circuit-switched networks. Due to its legacy status, it will not be updated anymore but a copy can be downloaded from the ETSI website. Want to learn ...
ETSI TS 141 101-2011数字蜂窝通信系统(第2+阶段).基于GERAN的3GPP系统的技术规范和技术报告(版本10.1.0).3GPP TS 41.101(版本10.1.0,第10次发布) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a GERAN-based 3GPP system V10.1.0; 3GPP TS ...
标准号:ETSI TS 101 321-2000 中文标准名称:ETSI TS 101 321-2000 网络上电信和互联网协议的协调(TIPHON).域内定价,授权和交换使用的公开确立协议(OSP)(版本2.1.1) 英文标准名称:Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization over Networks (TIPHON); Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) for Inter-Domain...
ETSI TR 133 978 V6.6.0 (2006-12)欧洲电信标准.PDF,ETSI TS 136 101 V8.29.0 (2018-01) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 36.101 version 8.29.0 Relea
ETSI TS 101 376-3-3-2011 ETSI TS 101 376-3-3-2011 GEO-移动线接口规范(第3次发布).第3代卫星分组线业务.第3部分:网络规范.第3子部分:编号,寻址和识别.GMR-1 3G 23.003(版本3.2.1) ...
ETSI TS 101 547 V1.1.1 (2012-01) Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Frame Compatible Plano-stereoscopic 3DTV 3dtv2013-01-29 上传大小:443KB 所需:9积分/C币 DTV-GPS技术对边缘地带运动目标的定位跟踪研究.pdf DTV-GPS技术对边缘地带运动目标的定位跟踪研究.pdf ...