Usually, you don’t pay that much attention to the sounds too much. They’re new and exciting the first time you hear them but after a while, they kind of fade into the background and concede the 1st place to visual clues and visual fidelity. However, this is the role sound should ...
ETS2 / ETS2 Trailer / ETS2 Truck January 5, 2025 Scania 143M V8 Rigid Combo + Trailer v3.0 1.53 Description: Changes v3.0 -Support for interior shadows... 0 ETS2 / ETS2 Combo skins January 2, 2025 Tommy Nordberghs Combo Pack v1.0 Description: Tommy Nordberghs Skin pack! Eke...
00:00:11.631 : [zipfs] Volvo_EUGENE_D13TC_D13K_engine_sound.scs: Created, 59 entries 00:00:11.704 : [zipfs] Volvo_FH5_Rework.scs: Created, 4059 entries 00:00:11.705 : <WARNING> [mods] Incompatible mod - Volvo_FH5_Rework 00:00:11.735 : [zipfs] volvo_fh_2012_reworked_v3.1...
1919 -- 5:35 App 【YouTube】欧卡2mod_沃尔沃 FH&FH16 2009/2012| ETS2 1.44 Volvo FH & FH16 2009/2012 | E 1918 1 4:33 App 【YouTube】欧卡2mod_Slav Jerry沃尔沃FH16开管声音|Volvo FH16 Open Pipe Sound | ETS2 Mods 838 -- 4:38 App 欧卡2 v1.44 | 沃尔沃FH13-16 2012 D13TC & D...
Lotos Nordica Skins for Volvo FH 4/5/6ETS2 Trailer DAF XD Rigid/Gastro v1.0.1 1.53 NTM Semi/Full Trailers by Kast v2.5 1.53 Scania R650 Jan Mues + Trailer v7.0 1.53 H&W Krone SD27 Jumboliner 3/4/6 Axles 1.53ETS2 Sounds Vietnamese GPS voice for ETS 1.48 – 1.53 Sound Fixes Pac...
00:02:19.984 : [mod_package_manager] Mod "skin volvo fh5 + remorques cherreau" has been mounted. (package_name: mod_workshop_package.00000000A5E92A15, version: 1, source: Steam Workshop) 00:02:19.984 : [fs] device E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/227300/2772693334/dafxgclassic mo...
欧卡2mod模组:1.52泄露沃尔沃 FH4-5 D13K500TC 声音和发动机套件|ETS2 Volvo FH5 D13K500T,白洋抖音粉丝已分享!特点:- 精密制作的发动机声音: 让你沉浸在 300 多种声音样本中,每种声音样本都能捕捉到发动机、进气和排气的独特元素。完整的体验还包括发动机制动声音、变速箱呜呜声、发动机风扇和吱吱作响的皮带...
欧卡2Mod模组:沃尔沃、雷诺T通用开管排气音效!Volvo Open Pipe Sound Mod ETS2 MOD 1.46 适用车型: VOLVO FH16 2012 / Volvo FH CLASSIC / Renault T St - 白洋Mod于20221214发布在抖音,已经收获了44.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
SCANIA NTG 1.53 Volvo FH5 2020 1.53 Scania R420 1.53ETS2 Parts/Tunining R.H Lightpack v2.8 1.53 RJL Scania G, R, R 4-series & Streamline 1.54 Sideskirt Scania RJL longline 6x style v1.0 1.53 Curtains Mega Pack v1.0 1.53ETS2 Others Custom Drivers ETS2 Scania Door Opener Mod V1.0 1.5...
Here are some of the features: For everyone: –Create a company logo paint job for all the trucks; –Add your photo as a driver and modify the drivers’ photos and names; –Place the route adviser where you want; –Create a new profile that starts with a custom amount of money at a...