【MOD共享】ETS..你好朋友!我们很高兴地宣布推出新版本的ETS2 Studio。这个版本被命名为Caddellac,这是对我们的驻地开发者和绿色意识Cadde的致敬。同时,我们的意思是我们的工具是ETS2工具的凯迪拉克
Hey guys! We have just launched an IndieGogo campaign for Mods Studio. Mods studio is a name we have given to the collection of ATS and ETS2 Studios. It will help us speed up development of ATS Studio as well as new features for both ATS and ETS2 Studios. Please take a look: Mods ...
· Detailed information on all available options/parametersfor different mod types· Quick troubleshooting guide· List of useful resources欢迎来到ETS2 Studio感谢你在多姿多彩的欧卡2mod世界里选择ETS2 Studio作为你里的伙伴!我们希望这个软件能帮到你,如果你想了解更多的用法,这个帮助文档是你最好的索引。在...
【MOD共享】ETS..你好朋友!我们很高兴地宣布推出新版本的ETS2 Studio。这个版本被命名为Caddellac,这是对我们的驻地开发者和绿色意识Cadde的致敬。同时,我们的意思是我们的工具是ETS2工具的凯迪拉克
screen. On the left, you can find the menu which allows easy access to the more important features of the game, such as Options, and other sub-menus such as the DLC (formerly DLC Browser) and the Mod Manager, which displays the number of MODs active next to it if you have any ...
screen. On the left, you can find the menu which allows easy access to the more important features of the game, such as Options, and other sub-menus such as the DLC (formerly DLC Browser) and the Mod Manager, which displays the number of MODs active next to it if you have any ...
most popular mod truck of the time. (Later, we added option to add mod trucks). All of the tools featured validation (Right side of the window), that showed the user what they are missing for a working mod. I still am proud of the design and functionality of our first ETS2 Studio....
求救!自制涂装用ET..图我是会做的,学过一点PS,也保存了dds文件,但是怎么在mod制作软件里设置我就有点不懂了,完全按照某精品贴一步一步来结果进游戏选择该mod涂装只有白色,车是MAN TGX非欧6版本,图是我自己画的
欧洲卡车模拟2 怪物能量拖车MOD 补丁类型:游戏MOD 整理时间:2017-02-28 大小:1MB 补丁制作:SCS、ETS2 Studio、老憨客、 补丁语言:多国 版本:1.26本地下载 普通http下载,速度慢 下载风灵月影修改器体验更多新鲜玩法!资源说明 资源说明: 欧洲卡车模拟2 怪物能量拖车,由“SCS、ETS2 Studio、老憨客、货运集团(...
欧洲卡车模拟2 黑色风格拖车包mod 补丁类型:游戏MOD 整理时间:2017-03-08 大小:10.40MB 补丁制作:Rommi TZ,MDModding,E 补丁语言:多国 版本:1.25本地下载 普通http下载,速度慢 下载风灵月影修改器体验更多新鲜玩法!资源说明 资源说明: 欧洲卡车模拟2 黑色风格拖车包,由“Rommi TZ,MDModding,ETS2 Studio,ZY...