在公开测试版的发行说明中,我们已经宣布,新的Mod Editor是该版本的主要新功能。但是,就在几个小时前,我们增加了三个新的拖车,并且还升级了我们的Mod Merge工具。V 0.7的新功能一般:新工具:Mod编辑器Windows资源管理器集成在线检查更新(在版本信息对话框中)删除了锁定使用E2S创建的模式的能力拖车工具:新拖车:MD...
–Open each.siifile within thechassisfolder using a text editor. –Remove all lines starting withresidual_travel[]. Add Support for Realistic Truck Physics Mod Check the chassis type from theinfo[]section of each.siifile. Based on the chassis type, add the appropriate line of code to an em...
大功告成,将这个改好的mod文件夹Interior_light_emblems放到 mod中,不用压缩,游戏内加载,用ws49x车测试一下,如果成功了,就按上面的操作添加其他车型。 来自Android客户端13楼2023-02-05 23:34 回复 Cena 货运宗师 11 UE这个工具还有很多替代品,比如editorplus等,它们比如本例中文件夹下所有文件的批量操作就...
Model and additional details created in the 3d editor for this truck. version ETS2 1.37 Credits:XBS How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Si...
Anti-aliasing improvements (SMAA, electrical wires) MOD Sun profile changes (HDR) LP changes for AI (data-driven types, background texture data) Dash display UI elements (digital gauges, fuel consumption bar) Map editor history (undo/redo) Continuous selection of nodes...
13、然后可以导出,按上面菜单栏的绿色按钮Export mod,等候数秒钟后,设置好名字并保存 7楼2016-08-29 23:19 回复 757256878 重卡王牌 9 Cargo Editor Cargo editor allows you to create or edit cargo types that you can assign to your standalone trailer mods. All the cargo definitions get saved ...
:00:05.576 : [zipfs] C:/Users/lwins/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Gronbeck_RJL_skin_2_0.scs: www.ets2studio.com :00:05.576 : [zipfs] Gronbeck_RJL_skin_2_0.scs: Created, 40 entries :00:05.577 : <ERROR> [mods] Cannot find '/mod_description.txt' description file ...
Added dlc dependency list to mod manifest. Added informational dialog showing when game detects upgrade or downgrade. Added letter-spacing to sign editor. Added parking difficulty preset option. Added pounds + short tonnes as weight unit option. ...
:00:05.077 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Klemen/OneDrive/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/classic_cars_traffic_pack_by_TrafficManiac_v8.9_base.scs: https://ets2-ats.wixsite.com/traffic :00:05.077 : [zipfs] classic_cars_traffic_pack_by_TrafficManiac_v8.9_base.scs: Created, 5411 entries ...
Credits:Map author: Adie (Indonesia) Map editor: Imtiaz (Bangladesh) Map convertor : Alice (Bangladesh) How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck...