Updated for 1.53 Recommended Settings Vegetation Detail: High Important!! Frosty is a winter weather and graphics mod and is not compatible with other weather and graphics mods such as RBGW, NaturaLux, Project Next-Gen etc. Frosty should be placed on top in Mod Manager. If you are also using...
From the graphics artists' point of view (but this applies to mod authors, too!), we are introducing a new concept of creating and keeping all game art "in check" and in balance with the rest of the art. Materials based on photos, frequently used as sources of in-game art, now have...
Thank you for your time and support and we will see you again at some of the next articles from the "Under the Hood" section we bring for our #BestCommunityEver from time to time. 欧卡ETS2模拟卡车
Please smash a like on the video, it helps promote it on Youtube Recommended settings Vegetation Detail: High Grass Density: High Important!! Late Autumn/Mild Winter is a weather and graphics mod so other weather and graphics mods should be disabled to avoid conflicts, issues and crashes. Lat...