For ore infor tion, visit us on the Web t .ets/toeic or cont ct your loc l ETS re resent tive. If there is no ETS re resent tive in your country, le se cont ct us t: Mail TOEIC Progr Educ tion l Testing Service Rosed le Ro d ...
TOEIC® The world’s leading assessment in English communication skills for the workplace. GRE® Respected internationally as the leading assessment for admission to graduate and professional programs. ETS Solutions Improve program effectiveness and promote skill development with actionable data specifica...
Praxis® Designed for educators, this assessment measures the knowledge and skills you’ll need as you prepare for the classroom. TOEIC® The world’s leading assessment in English communication skills for the workplace. GRE® Respected internationally as the leading assessment for admission to ...
Praxis® Designed for educators, this assessment measures the knowledge and skills you’ll need as you prepare for the classroom. TOEIC® The world’s leading assessment in English communication skills for the workplace. GRE® Respected internationally as the leading assessment for admission to ...
TOEIC® The world’s leading assessment in English communication skills for the workplace. GRE® Respected internationally as the leading assessment for admission to graduate and professional programs. ETS Solutions Improve program effectiveness and promote skill development with actionable data specifica...
Praxis® Designed for educators, this assessment measures the knowledge and skills you’ll need as you prepare for the classroom. TOEIC® The world’s leading assessment in English communication skills for the workplace. GRE® Respected internationally as the leading assessment for admission to ...
LEARNING. LEADING.and TOEIC are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) i 21、n the United States and other countries. 1085318托业考试和托福考试的对比托业考试和托福考试的对比:a.托业考试考察考生在职业环境中使用英语的能力,托福考试考察考生在校园环境中使用英语的能力。b.托福考试的用...
1、1会计学ETS托业考试介绍托业考试介绍2002年我国政府首次引进TOEIC(托业)考试将其作为中国职业英语水平考试与国际接轨 全球最大、非盈利教育考试评测机构 1947成立,60多年历史 全球180+国家,9000+考试中心 每年举办5000万人次参加的考试 2000余名研究学者,研发全球知名测评美国教育考试服务中心ETS, Educational Testing ...
备注: 进入Z后评选阶段的申请人必须准备接受由奖学金评选委员会在中国举办的面试。面试将用英语进行。下载奖学金申请要求(PDF中文版) 媒体支持: 评选程序 登录奖学金报名网站, 在线使用英文填写申请表。只有于2015年5月31日之前成功提交的在线申请及所需材料...