The ETS KL Sentral to Ipoh route is the busiest long-distance train route in Malaysia, with the most departures. There is a dedicated KL - Ipoh route with ETS Silver and ETS Gold services. You can also use the long-distance Gold and Platinum trains to get to Ipoh from KL....
The Ipoh high-speed Electric Train Services (ETS) travel throughout the day to and from Kuala Lumpur's KL Sentral Station, Seremban and Gemas to the south and from Ipoh to Butterworth Penang and Padang Besar Railway Station on the Malaysia / Thailand border to the north. To see the latest...
1.吉隆坡双子塔夜景2.KL Sentral 车站大厅,这是一个铁路、公交、地铁的综合交通枢纽。站临国家博物馆,我们是上午参观完博物馆,再通过地铁站步行到的车站,站内有便利店、快餐,价格也比较合理。可以直通隔壁商场,候车有地方可以逛逛。3.出发站台车头特写,列车是株机生产的,后面会晒出厂证。
马来西亚KTM 双轨电动列车 ETS :KL Sentral —–> Butterworth 候车室的地方蛮大,只不过乘客太多,加上行李,整个环境显得非常拥挤。过去来 KL Sentral 都是乘搭 Komuter 、LRT 、 KL Ekspres ,这是我第一次乘搭 ETS, 真的是有小紧张,一直都在盯着电视荧幕有关ETS 的时间表更动。 马来西亚KTM 双轨电动列车 ETS...
ETS:吉隆坡中央车站(KL Sentral)——北海(Butterworth):每天5班,车程4小时 09:00—13:02,11:...
ETS:吉隆坡中央车站(KL Sentral)——北海(Butterworth):每天5班,车程4小时 09:00—13:02,11:...
马来西亚KTM 双轨电动列车 ETS :KL Sentral —–> Butterworth 马来西亚铁路公司在早期只有提供城际铁路服务(Intercity )贯穿马来西亚东西海岸、新加坡和泰国曼谷;后来在90年末增添了电动火车(Komuter)为马来西亚首都吉隆坡和近郊的城市拉近了彼此距离,在这10年里增添的电动列车(ETS)加速了西海岸大...
Seats on an ETS train from KL Sentral to Taiping To see the ETS schedule from Taiping to KL Sentral click here > KL Sentral to Taiping ETS Timetable valid from the 1st of August 2024: EP 9272: (ETS Platinum Service) Departs KL Sentral at 07:20 - Arrives Taiping at 10:27 (Operates ...
The two types of ETS trains from KL to Butterworth that depart from KL Sentral are ETS Platinum with up to 8 stops that comes with complimentary snacks and ETS Gold with up to 11 stops but no complimentary snacks. Make sure you are going on the right platform once you have gotten your ...
Trains depart the old Kuala Lumpur station for Butterworth about five to six minutes later than the departures times shown from KL Sentral below. The duration of the train journey from KL to Butterworth Penang is approximately 3 hours and 35 minutes for the fastest Express services, 4 hours and...