电子邮件:toeflchina@hkeaaedu.hk或电话:00852-3628-8731(香港时间周一至周五0830-1730,周末及香港公共假期除外)。 3. Can I purchase other TOEFL products or pay other testing fees with the HKEAA voucher? 我可以使用香港考评局(HKEAA)兑换券购买其他托福产品或支付其他考试费用吗? The voucher you purchase ...
电子邮件:toeflchina@hkeaaedu.hk或电话:00852-3628-8731(香港时间周一至周五0830-1730,周末及香港公共假期除外)。 3. Can I purchase other TOEFL products or pay other testing fees with the HKEAA voucher? 我可以使用香港考评局(HKEAA...
Before you register, make sure the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test is available in your location (currently available everywhere TOEFL iBT testing is normally available, with the exception of Mainland China and Iran), and that your equipment meets the system requirements needed to test at home...
The official EtsiosApp release date has been set for [addspecific date if known], though updates are still rolling out as the developers finalize testing and improvements. The team behind EtsiosApp has assured users that the app will launch in [quarter or year if known], and initial ...
WEBSITE PREVIEW LOAD TIME 0.1seconds FAVICON PREVIEW 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 160x160 192x192 256x256 CONTACTS AT ETS.ORG Educational Testing Service DNS Admin Rose●●●Road Pri●●●ton, NJ, 08541 US 1.60●●●9000 dn●●●@ets.org Educational Testing...
WEBSITE PREVIEW LOAD TIME 0.1seconds FAVICON PREVIEW 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 160x160 192x192 256x256 CONTACTS AT ETS.ORG Educational Testing Service DNS Admin Rose●●●Road Pri●●●ton, NJ, 08541 US 1.60●●●9000 dn●●●@ets.org Educational Testing...
WEBSITE PREVIEW LOAD TIME 0.1seconds FAVICON PREVIEW 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 160x160 192x192 256x256 CONTACTS AT ETS.ORG Educational Testing Service DNS Admin Rose●●●Road Pri●●●ton, NJ, 08541 US 1.60●●●9000 dn●●●@ets.org Educational Testing...
ETS是英文“Educational Testing Service”的缩写,中文意为“教育测试服务中心”。它是一个美国非营利性教育机构,主要负责开发和提供各种标准化考试,其中包括大家熟知的托福(TOEFL)和雅思(IELTS)考试。ETS的宗旨是通过提供高质量的测试服务,帮助全球学习者、教育机构和雇主评估学术和职业能力。 托福(TOEFL,简称Test of ...
Sun refused to complete a doping test conducted by the international testing company IDTM on Sept 4, 2018, saying the doping control officer and her assistants lacked sufficient authorization and credentials. 2018年9月4日,孙杨拒绝接受国际检测公司IDTM进行的兴奋剂检测,称兴奋剂检测人员及其助理未获得充分...
Michael Nettles of Educational Testing Service's Policy Evaluation and Research Center who noted a correlate between family and achievement gap, Eugene Garcia of Arizona State University who spoke about the Latino population's needs, and U.S. Education Department official Dr. Thelma Mel茅ndez who ...