在页面的左下方有My GRE Account,点击Sign In 进入新的页面。然后点击Sign Up 注册新用户。填写你当前的个人信息,这些信息与GRE考试报名时填写的可以不一样。注册完成后就会进入“My GRE Home”的页面。 在Service 一栏中有View Scores Online 和Order Additional Score Reports,这就是我们说的查分和送分业务了。...
2021年10月12日晚20:00,ETS官方在托福与GRE官方微博及视频号同步为大家在线解读在家考面向中国考生的重磅更新 - 中国考生将以新授权方式参加托福/GRE家考! TD在第一时间关注并整理了重要信息内容,分享给大家。在ED即将来临的时候,更新后的...
2021年10月12日晚20:00,ETS官方在托福与GRE官方微博及视频号同步为大家在线解读在家考面向中国考生的重磅更新 - 中国考生将以新授权方式参加托福/GRE家考! TD在第一时间关注并整理了重要信息内容,分享给大家。在ED即将来临的时候,更新后的家考政策到底能带来哪些改变?会不会对备考造成影响?会影响2022年录取分数吗?
The GRE Tests http://www.ets.org/gre The Smartest Way to Graduate and Business School. General Test gives you more opportunities for success. Whether you are considering graduate school or business school, or still deciding what to do, you only need to take the one test accepted by thousand...
The GRE Tests http://www.ets.org/gre The Smartest Way to Graduate and Business School. General Test gives you more opportunities for success. Whether you are considering graduate school or business school, or still deciding what to do, you only need to take the one test accepted by thousand...
I was given a few things to read, made the rounds meeting people, and set up my computer account. That lasted an hour. By noon, I had 15 e-mails, all with interesting pieces of information that I had no idea what to do with: a briefing on Smart Growth, our success in obtaining ...
从今天起,开始实际的练习GRE作文。初步打算是想从ETS的范文开始,熟悉题型,学习经典例子,逐渐提高自己的思维能力和写作水平。 Issue1"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilization in which loneliness is ever increasing." ...
Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO and Asia's richest man, turned up at his company's 18th anniversary birthday bash dressed as Michael Jackson.SEE ALSO: The guy who started DJI becomes Asia's youngest tech billionaire He first rode onstage in a black motorcycle, before getting off and striking a number...
GTE celebrated the dawn of the new millennium with ringing telephones. 500 on-duty employees worked to ensure the network and Internet services entered the 21st century with no disruptions.
The GRE Tests http://www.ets.org/gre The Smartest Way to Graduate and Business School. General Test gives you more opportunities for success. Whether you are considering graduate school or business school, or still deciding what to do, you only need to take the one test accepted by thousand...