报告显示,与2021-22考试年度相比,2022-23年度于中国内地参加GRE考试的考生人数暴涨36.8%,仅次于美国和印度,保持位列全球第三。 多所大学需提交GRE成绩 想必大家还记得在24Fall申请季,英国G5的热门项目相继宣布强制要求和强烈推荐学生提交GRE成绩的事情。比如,剑桥...
甄选GRE最新真题 了解完中国托福考生以及全球不同国家或地区考生在2023年度的分数表现,接下来,就通过全球托福iBT考试成绩百分等级对照表(Percentile Ranks for TOEFL iBT Scores),带大家查看全球申请研究生项目的托福考生群体的具体表现。 考生通过...
ETS北京考试中心将在明天(11月4日)上午10:00正式开放报名! 本次开放报名的场次包括2022年12月7个考试日期的8场托福iBT考试和2023年79个考试日期的92场托福iBT考试。自2023年起,托福考试将提供周二、周三、周六和周日的考试日期,大家可以查看2023年托福iBT考试日历,橙色字体日期还提供下午场考试场次哦,大家可以根据自...
对于GRE,我们的研发团队不断地更新和评估试题,以更好地反映学生在研究生院或商学院的思维方式和能力要求;对于托福,则是四种学术英语技能--阅读、听力、口语和写作--在课堂上的实际使用。 我们还推出了一些用户友好的新功能。例如,我们在2019年8月将托福考试缩短了30分钟,并推出了MyBest Scores,让考生可以显示他们...
ETS develops various standardized tests primarily in the United States for K–12 and higher education, and it also administers international tests including the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) ...
ETS develops various standardized tests primarily in the United States for K–12 and higher education, and it also administers international tests including the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) ...
ETS develops various standardized tests primarily in the United States for K–12 and higher education, and it also administers international tests including the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) ...
(2014). The validity of scores from the GRE revised General Test for forecasting performance in business schools: Phase one (GRE Board Research Report No. 14-01). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. https://doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12019...
State law is now mandating that school districts make a clearcellphone policyby March 2025 as part of the all-in effort to improve focus and connection in the classroom. State lawmakers are hopeful it should help increase test scores among other things....