在考试之前你无需登录ETS Secure Test Browser (ETS 安全考试浏览器)。监考员会启动 ETS 考试浏览器,在为你输入 ETS 账号和密码后,正式开始考试。 托福在家考试需要考生们自己安装ETS Testing Browser,那么去哪里可以下载安装托福在家考的ETS Testing Browser呢? 根据ETS官网信息,考生参加托福在家考之前,需要计划考试...
There may be some reasons for this that I don't understand but most any browser should be able to open and access a server. If you can only use that browser, then I suggest that you contact them for assistance. It is their product. Reply of 1 ETS TOEFL Secure Browser Welcome to ...
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