ETS – Engineering Technical Services is an italian Engineering and Field Services company. ETS offers integrated services in Italy, Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, Middle and Far East, and South America.
ETS Engineering is Italy's leading manufacturer of medium and heavy lifting devices and cranes. The company designs and manufactures technological bridge cranes, pillar jib cranes, hoists, winches and gantry cranes for the oil and gas sector. ...
we are offering customized cost effective solutions in power semiconductor systems. Dozens of successfully finished projects, experienced engineering and skillful production stuff, modern production facilities and testing of all equipment manufactured make...
Basic engineering development detailed engineering and process standardization; Owner’s engineering and technical due diligence for industrial installations; Process equipment standardization; Technical specifications and tabs to purchase materials; Operational manuals, commissioning and start-up / shutdown procedu...
ets-engineering 我们经营3000多个国外品牌。提供的每一个产品均来自欧洲原厂,保证产品原装进口及品质。 欧美来源的产品预计在出货日期后的第一周内交付给客户。 联系我们 139 2304 4540 QQ: 735651019、694232042、1187420403、690065280 立刻询价 ets-engineering 产品型号...
中文工程(&)的技术服务 英语 翻译Engineering (&) Technical Services ETS缩写是工程(&)的技术服务的意思,ETS全写Engineering (&) Technical Services。 ETS缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择ETS正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:工程(&)的技术服务 2.有道翻译:工程(&)的技术服务...
中文工程技术/测试系统 英语 翻译Engineering Technical/Test System ETS缩写是工程技术/测试系统的意思,ETS全写Engineering Technical/Test System。 ETS缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择ETS正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:工程技术/测试系统 2.有道翻译:工程技术/测试系统...
consultancy Maximise energy efficiency: Reduced costs Empower Net Zero Strategies & action plans Unlock engineering operational performance Create a ‘smart’ & innovative workspaces Guarantee savings, data security & compliance BOOK A FREE NET ZERO CONSULTATION with our team TODAY ...
Engineering(工程) Physical Sciences(物理科学) 男女比例持平的专业是 : Humanities and Arts(人文艺术) Law(法律) 最受中国考生欢迎的专业为: 商科(26%) 自然科学(22%) 工程学(11%) 就在今年,考GRE商科的中国考生占比一跃成为...
●Engineering(工程) ●Physical Sciences(物理科学) 男女比例持平的专业: ●Humanities and Arts(人文艺术) ●Law(法律) 这份报告指出,参加GRE的中国考生最希望就读的研究生专业是物理科学类专业、工程类专业和商科类专业。 商学院的招生数量已经超过了2018-2022年...