SAT 是英文Scholastic Aptitude Test的缩写,中文名称为学术能力评估考试,是由总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿市的美国 教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)下属的CollegeBoard举办的。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申 请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。目前,如果高中生要申请美国的顶尖大学,除了要提供TOEFL这样...
FITC-dextran was allowed to diffuse for 4 hours and then collected for analysis by fluorescent plate reader to determine FITC-dextran concentration in lower well. Two independent experiments were performed. Each mark represents an average of n = 3 technical repeats. Two-way ANOVA statistical...
在此次培训中,ETS培训师明确指出,托福作为语言考试,虽然文章思路(reason)很重要,但是弱于对语言的要求。考生在阐述支撑自己观点的理由的时候,只要能做到“connects all ideas, and so the reader does not have to guess at intended meaning”即可满足高分要求。也就是说,考生在写作时,应注意自己中间段每句话之间...
The essay takes the position that China needs to reform its traditional approach to curriculum by becoming more student centered andtechnologically53current.However, the reader has to work hard to decipher the generally confusing line of reasoning, which does not obviously address the central issue pr...
The final paragraph is an extension of the advertising example, focusing on the Internet as part of the advertising system.While the writer does little more than speculate on the influence that the Internet might have, this point does lead the reader to the writer's lively conclusion.The vivid...
The essay takes the position that China needs to reform its traditional approach to curriculum by becoming more student centered andtechnologically53current.However, the reader has to work hard to decipher the generally confusing line of reasoning, which does not obviously address the central issue pr...