Canada ETS Group provide comprehensive consulting services, including accounting, taxation, immigration, finance and management, to the Canadian clients and overseas clients.
It has been almost two weeks now since the first element of our crew bound for Canada returned back to our offices in Prague. After we interviewed them internally about their trip, we thought it may be interesting to let you know what they got up to! We hope this will be a nice artic...
ETS Consulting Canada Limited Beijing Representative Office(自动翻译) 注册地址北京市东城区安定门外大街136号地坛体育大厦4层A0406-005号(邮编100000)附近企业 经营范围从事与隶属外国(地区)企业有关的非营利性业务活动。 主要人员 主要人员2 导出 序号姓名职务持股比例 ...
近年来,人们开始对更有助于永续发展的商业实务趋之若鹜,这种现象在供应链尤其明显。事实上,欧盟 (EU) 通过了一项到 2050 年实现碳中和的行动计划,其中期目标是到 2030 年减排 55%。 欧盟排放交易体系 (ETS) 就是其中的一个关键举措。ETS 于 2005 年启动,鼓励包括托运人和客户在内的实体减少温室气体排放,从而...
Schedule is always a top concern on construction projects, but it was particularly important for the team designing and constructing the ETS Student Housing for an engineering university in Montréal, QC, Canada, in 2012. "The completion date in August had to be respected as the building was fu...
Canada Greets Open Skies, Dollar
Canada, and Great Britain, which had the highest individual incomes at the end of the war, was slower than that of continental Europe and Japan but more rapid than in any prolonged period in their previous histories. At the same time, countries with relatively low individual incomes within the...
Dow Chemical Canada Duke Power Company Eli Lilly & Co. Emergent Group, Inc. First Union National Bank Florida Rock Industries Florida Rock and Tank Lines Florida Virtual School Florists’ Mutual Insurance Company Greenfield Associates Harlequin Graphics ...
Current Swedish Fuel Surcharge LCL/FCL: 35% Import from Destination port USA/CANADA All ports Surcharge name Inland fuel surcharge Mode of transportation FCL/LCL LCL/FCL Amount 36% Remarks On top of inland freight charges US/CA/MX WEST COAST All ...