A. DALDAR. QUIROSJ. CELADAGonzalez-Matesanz, F.J., Dalda-Mouron, A., Celada, J. "Ed50-Etrs89 Transition Models For The Spanish Geodetic Network". EUREF 2003 Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF). Program and Abstracts. 2003...
A RANGE OF ED50-ETRS89 DATUM TRANSFORMATION MODELS TESTED ON THE SPANISH GEODETIC NETWORK A set of datum transformation models for performing ED50-ETRS89 datum transformation in Spain are presented. These comprise 5/7 parameters, complex and rea... J Gonzalez-Matesanz,A Dalda,JA Malpica - 《...
As results of the recently finished REGENTE (National Geodetic Network using Spatial Techniques) have provided us a double set of ETRS89-ED50 coordinates used to prepare a range of transformation techniques. The challenge is to absorb the heterogeneous behaviour of ED50 as a consequence of ...
A set of datum transformation models for performing ED50-ETRS89 datum transformation in Spain are presented. These comprise 5/7 parameters, complex and real polynomials and distortion modelling. The latter case includes several tests using external points for the three methods explored: Rubber ...
A set of datum transformation models for performing ED50-ETRS89 datum transformation in Spain are presented. These comprise 5/7 parameters, complex and real polynomials and distortion modelling. The latter case includes several tests using external points for the three methods explored: Rubber ...