High Lagaard is a city located right next to an Yggdrasil Labyrinth. It too, similar to Etria, is a prosperous town due to the bounties that flow from the Yggdrasil Tree. The city is ruled by the Grand Duchy of Lagaard, High Lagaard's governing body. Acc
Etrian Odyssey Wiki 1,462 pages Explore Main Series Remakes Spinoffs Community in: Etrian Odyssey V Monsters, Etrian Odyssey V Bosses, Superboss Star Devourer Sign in to edit Through the static at the corners of your vision, an aberration appears before your very eyes...Everything about ...
These farmers seek to apply their wisdom to navigating the Labyrinth despite their clumsiness in battle. —In-Game Description, Etrian Odyssey III The Farmer is an exploration based class from Etrian Odyssey III, even better for field use than Survivalis
DEF53 EXP0 SkillsFangs, Claws ItemsSteel Beak, Pure Quill, Ruby Bone Weakness ResistanceNone Status Resistance This box:view•talk•edit Sonickersare passiveFOEsfound throughout the 2nd Stratum, in areas only reachable once the player has the Tree Key. They look likeGryphons, but they are...
Snowsoulscan be found on 11F and 15F. They can summon other Snowsouls and evenHelldrasif left unattended for too long. They have a strong weakness to fire and have a fairly low defense. Snowsouls may spend consecutive turns summoning help, but are more likely to do so after a few turn...
Der niedrigste Preis für Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (3DS) beträgt derzeit 49,06 €. Dies ist der günstigste Preis im Vergleich zu 4 anderen Shops. Spezifikationen Produkt Produktname Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (3DS) Spezifikationen Genre RPG...
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A list of weapons found in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight. These can be bought from Sitoth Trading. The "Special" column is to show if the item is offered in another way, either as a quest reward or from a treasure box. In-game, they are shon
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