Copy this directory to a publicly accessible web server. A file hub.txt resides in the directory. Provide the link to that file to the UCSC Genome Browser for visualizing results. Example data An incomplete example data set is contained in the directory BRAKER/example. In order to complete ...
行 cmd, Rundll32.exe ahsetup.dll RunDllGenCerts eposervername 8443 admin suninfo123C:\ ProgramFiles\ McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Apache2\conf\ssl.crt ⚫ 开启 McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Event Parser 和 McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Server 两个服务 ⚫ 查看 DB/logs/server.log,确保路径正确启用。
void wrote:Please send the debug output after you try to connect to the Everything FTP server with your phone: Still waiting some suggestions from you, David, after had sent log file. Top Gabarito Posts:77 Joined:Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:20 pm ...
Modify augustus.hints.gtf to point to the AUGUSTUS predictions with hints from previous BRAKER run; modify flaning_DNA value to the flanking region from the log file of your previous BRAKER run; modify some_new_working_directory to the location where BRAKER should store results of the additional...