Secure And Reliable Open Account Service Terms of Service privacy policy legal liability Anti-Money Laundering Agreement White Paper Regulation Customer Service Online Inquiry Trading days: 24 hours Non-trading days: 9:30 - 21:30 PST Etoro software is an online trading platform provided by ...
Account access is unavailable in your current country. See the list of blocked countries: Afghanistan Belarus Central African Republic (CAR) China Congo Cuba Ethiopia Russia Iran Iraq Lebanon Mali Nicaragua North Korea Palestinian Territory Somalia ...
During this window, there might be a delay in incoming and outgoing payments for EUR account (aka eToro Money) users in Europe, until after the maintenance has been completed. Additionally, payments may also be unsuccessful during the maintenance window, and will need to be re-executed after ...
在登入 eToro 帳戶時,必須完成雙因素身份驗證 (2FA)。這表示我們不只透過密碼驗證您的身分,還透過第二種身分驗證方法。 2FA 提供於 eToro 應用程式、eToro Money 應用程式,以及 Delta 投資應用程式。 2FA 的運作方式為何? 在帳戶上啟用 2FA 之後,每當您從不同的裝置或瀏覽器登入時,就必須通過另一道安全步驟。
Funds held in your eToro Money account are held in a designated safeguarding account at an authorised credit institution in the EU. For more information, see our T&Cs. The services of eToro Money crypto wallet are provided by eToro X Limited ('eToro X'), incorporated in Gibraltar with com...
Welcome to the eToro Money app. This app offers different features, based on the country you are in. Discover what’s available in your country here Potentially available to you: - eToro Money digital account - manage your funds seamlessly with your...
Get more from your money with eToro’s interest on balance! Start receiving interest payments — up to 4.55% annually— straight to your account, with no commitment. Join eToro Learn More Credit and other risks apply, please read the Terms and Conditions. It’s time for loud investing ...
如果您的手機/平板電腦允許生物身份驗證,您可以透過臉部或指紋掃描,輕鬆迅速地登入 eToro 帳戶。 若要開啟手機/平板電腦上的 Face ID 或 Touch ID,依照以下步驟: 開啟eToro 行動應用程式。 前往帳戶設定(點選位於螢幕頂端的 ,然後點選 ⚙️ 設定與帳戶)。
That said, being beginner-friendly doesn’t mean it’s easy to make money. eToro’s focus on social investing and crypto means new investors should take the time to learn the risks before jumping in and perhaps take advantage of its paper trading account first before risking real money. Com...
eToro offers cash management through eToro Money, which enables you to seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds to and from your eToro account. You can also use it to send and receive money and store cryptocurrency. Additionally, users can earn 4.9% annual interest on their cash through eToro’...