London— Eton College, arguably the poshest, most elite boarding school in Britain, is banning incoming students from having smartphones. Eton, located near the royal palace in Windsor, just west of London, is renowned for its academic excellence. Notable alumni includePrinces William and Harry,...
I’m from East London, so it’s a completely different thing coming into a school like this – but it’s not as daunting as it seems. Hamza Payment of Fees During each major school holiday, a boy’s school account is sent to his parents or other person responsible for payment. The ...
Last year, Eton Connect coordinated extensive activities with partner organisations, including over 5,000 state school pupils visiting our museums and Collections, while over 7,000 state school pupils studied our EtonX courses online. Among other partnerships, we co-sponsor the London Academy of Excel...
In addition, 155 visitors stopped at the Collections stand in School Yard, where children were invited to have a go at embroidery, inspired by the lavishly embroidered costumes in the Ad Montem exhibition.New Exhibition opens in LondonLast week, An Etonian Collector: The Richard Amis Bequest ...
Careers Coordinator, Drayton Manor High School (London)Teachers’ CPD and Conferences In collaboration with Center of Innovation of CIRL, Eton Connect hosts free talks, CPD sessions and conferences for teachers. Upcoming events are shared through the Eton Connect e-newsletter and the Eton Connect Eve...
a town in Berkshire, in S England, on the Thames River, W of London: site of Eton College, a boys' preparatory school. 3954. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
另一家曾被英国报章 Daily Telegraph 选为英国最佳体育学校之一的Oratory School,学校的体育中心有 25 米游泳池、三个壁球场、九洞高尔夫球场、健身室等。而校舍亦设有 11 个榄球和足球场、六个板球场、船屋、室内射击场、网球场等。...
Last year, Eton Connect coordinated extensive activities with partner organisations, including over 5,000 state school pupils visiting our museums and Collections, while over 7,000 state school pupils studied our EtonX courses online. Among other partnerships, we co-sponsor the London Academy of Excel...
s political and social elites. When private schools – anywhere in the world – want a benchmark, Eton is the school that is used. It is not a surprise then that when the world’s largest private school provider, GEMS Education, went in search of a name, they headhunted Tony Little, ...
The twoRowing Instructional Coursesare open to boys and girls from any school in the UK or abroad. All participants spend five days learning to row or developing the skills they already possess. A significant number of free places are available for students who attend UK state schools. The cou...