Mr Nolan firmly believes that ‘upon completion the College will have a hall to be proud of. It will serve both the school and the local community very well indeed. Its interior will be elegant and restrained and will always bring to mind the brave young men from our community who gave ...
两个非常大的图书馆(School Library & College Library),里面收藏了很多的价值不菲的艺术品。其中School Library收录馆藏达3万多件,包括图书、音乐、影像作品、杂志等。 右边圆顶的建筑就是主图书馆 College Library成立于学校建立后不久,馆藏15万件之多,收录了9世界到21世纪的各种图书、文字记录、手稿、影印和画作...
四合院, 伊顿公学(Quadrangle, Eton College) 伊顿公学大街(High Street Eton) 伊顿公学, 高中(Eton College, upper school) 伊顿公学车库(Eton Garages) 伊顿公学入学(Eton College entrance) 伊顿公学培训(Training in Eton) 伊顿公学礼堂(Eton College hall) ...
In addition to Eton’s three museums, College Library had a display of books and archives, as well as a special display about Lord Byron in the Tower Gallery. The College silver was displayed in College Hall alongside works of art on the theme of sport, perfectly complementing the Sport at...
学校没有提前为家庭分组,而是由副招生总监宣读孩子的名字,然后由12年级在读学生进行配对,每个孩子领1~2组家庭。参观结束后,家长们回到College Hall进行冷餐会,进行沟通和交流。带领我们参观学校的是一个马来西亚的孩子,他凭借自己的成绩直接从马来西亚考入伊顿,是典型的学霸。伊顿每年通过13+考试招收...
The School Hall was built as a memorial to Etonians killed in the Boer War. It is used today for school assemblies, a daily Masters’ meeting and other functions such as concerts. Looking to the Future As boys advance through the School, assemblies provide significant guidance in support of ...
The Henry VI Society were delighted to welcome Lord Roberts to Eton College for their annual event. The lecture based on Lord Roberts’ book, The Misunderstood Reign of George III was well received by society members, who then enjoyed afternoon tea with The Provost in Election Hall....
School Hall Art Returns In late November the series of seven paintings,Seven Halts on the Somme, by Hughie O’Donoghue and ten stained-glass panels (which formerly formed a single window within a boys’ library in College) were reinstalled into School Hall. Then, during the first week of Ja...
CPE Bach Organ Works - the Mitterreither (17730/Flentrop (1973) Organ of Eton College School HallCollins, John
所以,重视体育锻炼刻不容缓。以体强心,我们不做那个揉纸团的人,更不做那张被揉的白纸。 最后再多说一句,Rishworth School、Oratory School、Wrekin College等重视体育教育的英国寄宿私校都会参加第32届英国名校展,感兴趣的家长赶紧预约...