School Fees & Extras The school fee includes tuition, board, lodging, and the cost of most games activities and the majority of educational materials. In addition, boys incur variable extras, e.g. charges for music lessons, optional insurances, boat club membership and school trips. ...
伊顿公学Eton College学校位于 英格兰 白金汉郡 伊顿公学基本信息 学校性质: 男校 住宿方式: 学校宿舍 建校时间: 1440年 学校官网: 学校地址: 是英国最古老最顶尖的公学代表,也是校长大会学校之一。坐落在英格兰历史名镇温莎,泰晤士河畔。所有的申请在学生10岁半之前提交,并提交UKise...
Eton College was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI to provide free education for poor boys. However, as time went by. Eton became a famous private school. Now it has been one of the UK's leading independent schools. Many great people, including 19 British Prime Ministers and members of ...
Eton College, known informally as Eton, is one of the world’s best-known schools. Offering an all-male, all boarding school education, Eton College caters to 1,315 students between 13 and 18. Eton is one of only five remainingsingle-sex boys’ public schoolsin the United Kingdom. The ...
Eton College 伊顿公学学校概况 详细介绍 大家点评 校园美图 学校概况 建校年份:1440年 地理位置:Eton Windsor Berkshire SL4 6DW 学校类型:男校 年龄范围:13岁至18岁 寄宿学生比例:100% 学生数量:1319人 国际学生:7% 大学录取情况:每年60-80名学生进入牛津剑桥 学术成绩(2016年): A-Level:...
拉德利公学(Radley College)始建于1847年,是一间全寄宿男子学校,与 Harrow School 和 Eton College 并列全英国最佳男子寄宿学校。 Radley College的宿舍叫做socials,从A-L,共11个Socials。每栋宿舍楼保持在50-70名学生不等,高中部男生集体在同一栋宿舍里。每一栋宿舍的理念和结构不同,但拥有设施和管理模式基本相...
or all of the school fees. Parents who notify us that they require financial assistance are invited to complete an online bursary application form so that the Bursaries Committee can determine the level of bursary award applicable, if any. Bursaries range from 5% to 100% and are dependent on ...
Eton College(伊顿公学)is a very nice, old school in the UK. It was founded(被创办)in1440. There are (1) ___ boys in the school. The teachers there are very good. They are nice to their(2) ___ . Now there are about 1300 (3) ___ at Eton College. They are (4) ___...
When a boy applies for a scholarship it is possible for his parents to apply for a means-tested bursary in connection with that scholarship to cover school fees. Please note that we do not offer sports or arts scholarships. Such abilities feature strongly in the majority of our selection proc...
1.It's a school for boys between the ages of 13 and 18. 2.Teachers. 3.The teachers stand front of a class and discuss with the students. 4.The Field Game. 5.No, they can't. 概述:本文主要介绍了伊顿公学。伊顿公学位于英国,这是一所13到18岁男孩的学校,男孩在学校住五年,老师可以帮助...