"ETNZ" Deep Black Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M 45.5 mm, black ceramic on rubber strap 176 200,00 KR SHOP NOW Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M 45.5 mm, black ceramic on rubber strap - Inspired by the turquoise sail To help the kiwis catch the breeze in Barcelona, OM...
ETNZ Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary13,747,924,154visits served TheFreeDictionary Google ? Keyboard Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text EnglishEspañolDeutschFrançaisItalianoالعربية中文简体PolskiPortuguêsNederlandsNorskΕλληνικήРусск...
📏 技术规格: 表壳:45.5 毫米 x 19 毫米 - 哑光黑色陶瓷表壳 - 哑光黑色陶瓷单向旋转表圈 - 哑光黑色陶瓷表圈镶嵌白色 60 分钟刻度 - 哑光黑色陶瓷表冠、按钮和排氦阀 - 蓝宝石水晶玻璃 - NAIAD 带 ETNZ 锁定底盖标志 - 600m 防水 表盘:哑光黑色陶瓷表盘 - 带 Super-LumiNova 夜光涂层的时标 - 绿松...
Omega, sponsor of theKiwi Emirates Team, is among the most active brands in the world of sailing and the newOmega Seamaster Diver 300m Chronographhas been the official timepiece of the national team since2013. TheOmega Seamaster Diver 300m ETNZis the next chapter in the collection dedicated to...
Omega「海马ETNZ限量版潜水表」采用坚固耐用的44毫米精钢表壳,经磨砂和抛光处理并配备黑色亚光陶瓷表圈。腕表采用黑色橡胶表带,并同时提供精钢潜水表链可作替换。旋入式磨砂表背上浮雕有新西兰酋长队队徽,并镌刻有”CHALLENGER FOR THE 34TH AMERICA’S CUP” (第34届美洲杯挑战者)字样及限量版编号(如0000/2013)。
茄名人大使行列.時至今日,歐米茄對美洲盃 腕錶的螺旋式底蓋壓印ETNZ標誌及限量編 的熱情絲毫未減,繼續亮相於今屆賽事,並以 號,底蓋邊緣鐫刻「Challenger for the 34th 主要贊助商名義支持阿聯酋航空新西蘭隊.歐 America,s Cup」字樣.這款全新計時腕錶裝配 米茄品牌標誌更會在ETNZ的AC72賽艇前帆, 同軸3330機芯,並...
#Ansys新闻速递# #美洲杯帆船赛# #ETNZ# 通过采用Ansys 工程仿真解决方案设计优化新一代75英尺叶形单体竞技帆船,新西兰酋长队(ETNZ)再度成功卫冕本届美洲杯帆船赛。新西兰酋长队运用Ansys仿真技术加速参赛帆船...
The case of the Chronograph has pushers at 2 o’clock and 4 o’clock that stand out with a red aluminum ring and matte black ceramic ring. In fact, all of the elements that correspond to the chronograph function are colored in red. The caseback features the ETNZ l...