These include utilizing a SQL command, employing a staging table, utilizing a cache, utilizing the Script Task, and if MSSQL is being used, using the full database name for updating. 29. In case you have a non-OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Database) source for the lookup what ...
Hive is commonly used to convert SQL queries into MapReduce operations. Companies considering Hadoop should be aware of its costs. A significant portion of the cost of implementing Hadoop comes from the computing power required for processing and the expertise needed to maintain Hadoop ETL, rather ...
In transformation step, you can perform customized operations on data. For instance, if the user wants sum-of-sales revenue which is not in the database. Or if the first name and the last name in a table is in different columns. It is possible to concatenate them before loading. Data I...
Scenario Based Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced August 5, 2024 Cracking The Data Engineer Interview August 1, 2024 R to R Interview Questions August 7, 2024 How to Check if a Table Exists in SQL Server: A Step-by-Step Guide ...
In the Connection tab, select OLEDB_AdventureWorks as the Connection Manager that contains your Lookup table. Select ZipCode from the “Use a Table or View” drop-down menu. For simplicity, you are just selecting the table, but the best practice is always to type in a SQL command and selec...
Scriptella is an open-source ETL tool and also a script implementation tool. It is developed in java, and its main objective is simplicity. In this tool, we can carry out the required data transformations through SQL scripts. It executes the scripts written in Javascript, Velocity, SQL, and...
To get a job as an ETL developer, you need to have a good understanding of SQL, tools like Informatica, Talend, and some knowledge about several scripting languages like Python, Perl, and Bash. Moreover, is helping experienced developers worldwide to get matched with Silicon Valley...
Top Airflow interview questions Author Jake Roach Jake is a data engineer specializing in building resilient and scalable data infrastructure using Airflow, Databricks, and AWS. Jake is also the instructor for DataCamp's Introduction to Data Pipelines and Introduction to NoSQL course. Topics Data ...
We help the scholars with popular ETL testing interview questions at the top of the course to assist them in getting the best ETL testing Jobs and Placements in Pune. We also provide basic ETL training in Pune for college kids who are at the beginner level. Why Choose SevenMentor? We of...
Now I am 100% perfect for interview. Thanks to my trainer and gangboard. Malar Software Engineer Hello this is Malar. I had ETL testing training in gangboard. My trainer is an experienced person. He took classes very well and clear to me. I had lot of confidence. He explain me in ...