s系在现实相当于3还是5?感觉它比800定位高一点 举报 西雅图安稳 2023-07-07 事实上,S系标轴版并不比800大,长轴四座版则类似于800的行政增强版,还跨不了级别。 举报 回复本楼 我把青春喂了狗1 2023-07-03 5 模组能分享一下吗 举报 我真是忘了 2023-07-05 7 模组更新了吗 举报 + 更多评论...
This discussion was made to update the ETK S-Series Legendary mod. For all the time it was corrected and added: -Complete elimination of bugs with textures; Completely new engines and transmissions; -Full PBR support and bug fix with clearing the cache has been done Agent_Y | BeamNG; -Na...
4回复贴,共1页 <返回beamng吧 ETK S-Series Remaster 只看楼主收藏回复 Marcid 试驾旭日 8 可惜这台车还没发布,作者就被BNG官方录用了 送TA礼物 回复 来自Android客户端1楼2022-01-15 02:45 Marcid 试驾旭日 8 外观有了很大的改进和优化,中网延续了ETK的家族式设计,车灯改进幅度更大了我个人感觉更加...
torus-rebel-bastion-tuning-pack.31519/ 🥈 Dream Engines Pack ➡️https://www.beamng.com/resources/dream-engines-pack.31323/ 🥇 ETK S-Series,原模组由官方制作人员2017年发布,国内顶级玩家高光时刻,十分荣幸他能参与重制 ➡️ https://www.beamng.com/threads/etk-s-series-revamped-v1-...
此成绩适用于改进后的LV5版本25%:G车体结构:G上部:G下部:G约束性:G, 视频播放量 2572、弹幕量 0、点赞数 62、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数 23、转发人数 2, 视频作者 Stagea-300RX, 作者简介 LIFE TOGETHER,相关视频:GIHS Chverolet Caprice LD 25%碰撞测试,GIHS ETK C
ETK K-Series vert 1.5 vert akumaani Version: 1.5 Nicee mod! Any plans on adding soft or hardtop? Dec 16, 2024 Author's Response nnot yet Hank_Montgomery Version: 1.5 Great, we need more cabrios in the game! Sep 18, 2024 gabrieleins500k...
轿车orSUV——深..ETK 800 旅行车 、轿车、双门轿跑、敞篷、scolota这些版本放在现实中相当于宝马三系中的的各个版本(敞篷双门轿跑为4系所有。和奥迪A4 A5的关系一致。scolota为3系GT)。那么就让我
In this context, the aim of the present study was to examine the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on the Food, Service, Technology, Wholesale-Retail Trade, Electricity, and Transportation sectors in the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) indice using time series ...
DERLEME (Review) GEBEL‹⁄‹N GÖZ VE GÖRME FONKS‹YONLARI ÜZER‹NE ETK‹S‹ Emine Malkoç fiEN, Melike BALIKO⁄LU Ulucanlar Göz E¤itim ve Araflt›rma Hastanesi, 1. Göz Klini¤i, Ankara ÖZET Gebelikte gözde meydana gelen de¤ifliklikler ço¤un...
作者: S眉rmen, Yunus Emre 摘要: Uluslararas谋 arenada k眉resel g眉莽lerin etkinli臒i ve 莽谋kar 莽at谋艧malar谋 g眉nden g眉ne artmaktad谋r. 脺lkelerin resmi yetkilileri taraf谋ndan yap谋lan a莽谋klamalar ve uygulanan 莽e艧itli yapt谋r谋mlar 莽o臒u zaman siyasi krizlerle ...