How long does it take to get my cash back after spending my Etihad Guest Miles on a redemption transaction? Can I make a partial redemption spending miles and cash on my purchase? What happens if I want to return my purchase? How long will it take for miles to appear in my account?
Upgrading to Business, First or The Residence with Etihad is always special, but it’s even better when you use your miles to pay for it. Go on, you deserve it. Upgrade Fly with our partner airlines Did you know, you can also use your Etihad Guest Miles to pay for flights with any...
Enjoy unique rewards and benefits along with a world of opportunities to earn and spend your Etihad Guest Miles.
Miles calculator Use our miles calculator to work out the number of miles you’ll earn on your next flight, or how many miles you need to get there. Go to calculator Turn everyday spending into miles and rewards Earn Etihad Guest Miles every time you pay using an Etihad Guest debit ...
ADCB’s Etihad Guest Accounts offer you monthly Etihad Guest Miles and exclusive benefits. Open a Guest Aspire, Guest Privilege, or Guest Excellency account today.
会员每年可以购买10万阿提哈德航空里程(不含赠送部分)。阿提哈德白金会员可以购买15万 Miles (不含赠送)。 按照条款购买后72小时里程会到达你的账户,不过一般半个小时就到账。 阿提哈德里程的常规价格为200美元/万点,目前最低价格为赠送50%,为133.33美元/万点。
使用Etihad Guest Miles兑换美国航空的两舱航班,能大大降低里程消耗。尤其是真正意义上的头等舱,所需里程和商务舱竟然一样。没有YQ,没有close-in booking fee,实乃兑换AA航班的神器。美国航空A321T上真正意义里的“头等舱”2. 起因不久之前去旧金山参加了一个美联航抢先体验Polaris Lounge的活动,考虑回程的机票...
目前在官网注册FFP,并完成一笔消费(可以通过它的portal,类似UA),即可赠送1000 miles。如果乘坐自家执飞的航班,里程累积表如下: 里程过期时间按照等级来分: 2. 自家里程兑换 EY的自家里程兑换是比较坑的,但好在计算标准非常清楚。为了介绍的完整性,我们简单说一下:这里有个计算器,点击GuestSeats标签(相当于saver票)...
Etihad Guest 4+ Etihad Airways 專為iPhone 設計 免費 iPhone 截圖簡介 Get the most out of your app and link your Visa payment card to start earning and spending miles. With the programme at your fingertips, you can also keep track of your Etihad Guest account wherever you go....
Etihad Airways 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏 简介 Get the most out of your app and link your Visa payment card to start earning and spending miles. With the programme at your fingertips, you can also keep track of your Etihad Guest account wherever you go. ...