一. US Premier Lounge(候机区休息室) 二. Etihad First Class Lounge 菜单 附录 一. US Premier Lounge(候机区休息室) 所有从 AUH 机场去往美国的航班都需要在 AUH 机场经过美国海关的 Preclearence,相当于在这边就办理完成入境手续,在美国机场就可以直接停靠国内航站楼,免去了在美国机场海关排那个长长的队伍...
一. US Premier Lounge(候机区休息室) 二. Etihad First Class Lounge 菜单 附录 一. US Premier Lounge(候机区休息室) 所有从 AUH 机场去往美国的航班都需要在 AUH 机场经过美国海关的 Preclearence,相当于在这边就办理完成入境手续,在美国机场就可以直接停靠国内航站楼,免去了在美国机场海关排那个长长的队伍...
一. US Premier Lounge(候機區休息室) 二. Etihad First Class Lounge 菜單 附錄 一. US Premier Lounge(候機區休息室) 所有從 AUH 機場去往美國的航班都需要在 AUH 機場經過美國海關的 Preclearence,相當於在這邊就辦理完成入境手續,在美國機場就可以直接停靠國內航站樓,免去了在美國機場海關排那個長長...
2阿联酋·Etihad first class lounge,#带着微博去阿联酋#@阿提哈德航空公司 Etihad与@阿联酋航空Emirates Emirates就像相爱相杀的兄弟俩,Emirates配色活泼而张扬,Etihad配色则低调而内敛,且充满设计冲击,这和迪拜和阿布扎比这两座城市的气息不谋而合,同根同源,又在旅行市场上相互竞争。这次选择Etihad A330-200,商务舱空...
Abu Dhabi First Class lounge Considered a “lounge within a lounge,” the First Class Lounge is Etihad’s top pre-flight experience. Complimentary for those flying in The Residence and First Class, travelers enter the lounge through a private lobby and elevator. ...
Slider 1 Selected Slider 2 Slider 3 Slider 4 Slider 5 出发地热门优惠 上海 1 selection 巴塞罗纳 出发地 CNY 4,261* 往返- 经济舱 米兰 出发地 CNY 3,790* 往返- 经济舱 卡萨布兰卡 出发地 CNY 4,334* 往返- 经济舱 开罗 往返- 经济舱
Where available, First and Business guests can relax by enjoying lounge access before they fly while Economy guests may be able to pay to use the lounges. On board, our cabins have all been designed with comfort in mind. Every seat reclines and features a fully adjustable headrest. There ...
The Etihad First Class Lounge Without a doubt, the best part of my Abu Dhabi stopover was a morning in the airline’s impressive First Class Lounge. Premium cabin passengers get their own terminal entrance. The entrance to the First Class Lounge is just past the Terminal 3 security checkpoint...
7.1.3 头等舱套房(仅波音787-9)| First Suite (Boeing 787–9 only) Some Boeing 787-9s offer eight First Suites. The service includes a 26-inch (66 cm)-wide reclining lounge chair (which converts into an 80.5-inch (204 cm) fully flat bed); dining table; and a 24-inch (61 cm) TV...
Etihad Links Airline Code:EYWebsite:https://www.etihad.com/en-us/Frequent Flyer Program:Etihad GuestLoungeDiamond, Pearl and Worldwide LoungesAirline Alliance:N/AMagazine:Etihad Inflight