Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader provides a comprehensive selection of classic and contemporary reflections, examining the tensions between self and other, the relationships between anthropologists and informants, conflicts and ethical challenges, various types of ethnographic research, and ...
Steve Portigal is an experienced user researcher who helps organizations to build more mature user research practices.
2020, Journal of Medical Internet Research View all citing articles on Scopus Abbreviations CPU central processing unit ICT information and communication technologies IT information technology NHS National Health Service TST Transforming Services Together UAT User Acceptance Testing VDI virtual desktop infrastruc...
In this study, we sought to investigate the recovery orientation of an NHS inpatient rehabilitation unit using ethnographic methods. Ethnography is a qualitative method particularly suited to this research question because it attends to actual practice on the ground, in all its complexity, as opposed ...
View Full Article (HTML) Enhanced Article (HTML) Get PDF (114K) Keywords: culture; evidence-based practice; field notes; interviews; nurse; participant observations; qualitative research. Abstract Aim To report from a study aimed at illuminating how French Registered Nurses experience and engage ...
Designing & conducting ethnographic research Retrieved December 4, 2012, from 244420_1/courses/12GR01-EDUC510.01.02/12SU-DEV- EDUC510_ImportedContent_20120613063424/EDUC 610 Fall/Articles/LeCompte & Schensul v1 ch5.pdfLeCompte,...
Ethnography, used as a research method for this more expansive view of theology, is thus able to do more work than its attachment to the narrower category of dogmatics allows it to do. A number of theologians using ethnographic research methods have, in fact, cited Kathryn Tanner's more ...
(Apers,2014). Despite this, in my research, I found that some of the local offices of the magistrates evaluating nationality applications (the ‘parquets’) collected data via police interviews. In some cases, the data remained unused, as the local court clarified that decisions based on ...
In 2011 he was a research affiliate with the Senseable City Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge MA. Carlo Rattiteaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s department of urban studies and planning, where he directs the Senseable City La...
Ethnographic research in the Andean region has shown how language policy and practices in schools, home and community domains converge or diverge, with varying consequences for learners and Quechua maintenance. In one of the earliest ethnographies of Quechua–Spanish bilingual education,Hornberger (1987)...