(redirected fromNepali (ethnicity)) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Ne·pal·i (nə-pô′lē, -pä′-, -păl′ē) adj. Of or relating to Nepal or its people, language, or culture. n.pl.Ne·pal·is 1. a.A native or inhabitant of Nepal. ...
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Ethnicity is most frequently equated with some aspect of language, while social or political organization can occur on a number of scales simultaneously. Thus, a given set of people might be defined as an ethnic group through their use of a common dialect or language…Read More racism In race...
Chinese immigrants from China on a large scale reached its peak in the 15th century and the beginning of the 20th century throughout the world [1]. In 1740, in Batavia the Chinese population reached 80,000 people [4]. According to data from Heuken (1997) in Hariyono (2006), from 1699...
Since 1945, thousands of people have come to Britain for work. The numbers of immigrants in Britain doubled between 1951 and 1961, from 250,000 to 541,000. The total number of immigrants from India, Pakistan and the West Indies reached 669,640 between 1955 and 1968 (Castle and Kosack, ...
Ethnicity is often self-identified based on cultural expression and a sense of belonging to a specific ethnic group. It's about the cultural ties that bind people together, such as language, religion, and traditions. Nationality, however, is a legal identifier that connects an individual to a ...
The immigration experience for instance can bind people from different shores together, although Sollors makes clear that “ethnicity does not arise with migrations alone” (Sollors, Beyond Ethnicity 57). According to him, new group identifications can take place under all kinds of different circumstan...
These countries are primarily made of Middle Eastern countries, and includes the nations of the Caucasus, North African countries such as Egypt, Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Turkey, and Lebanon, as well as West Asian countries such as Kazakhstan. People from these countries do not feel...
In the interview, Hank points out his latest project wanted to honor the bravery of the American troops “…but we also wanted to have people say, ‘we didn’t know our troops did that to Japanese people.’”… I don’t know that Hanks’s opinions, overly simplistic as they are, can...
The prevalence of mental disorders in older people in Western countries: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev. 2013;12(1):339-353. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2012.09.004PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 3. Aziz R, Steffens DC. What are the causes of late-life depression? Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2013...