Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation, racial segregation, and organ donation across 5 states. Am J Transplant. 2020. doi:10.1111/ajt.16186PubMedGoogle Scholar 74. Traino HM, Molisani AJ, Siminoff LA. Regional differences in communication process and outcomes of requests for solid...
Series B, Human Geography, 52(1), 1–13. Article Google Scholar Castles, S. (2006). Guestworkers in Europe: A resurrection? International Migration Review, 40(4), 741–766. Article Google Scholar Clark, W. (1991). Residential preferences and neighborhood racial segregation: A test of ...
They note recent studies demonstrate how inequalities entrenched in systemic racism such as incarceration, housing instability, police discrimination, neighborhood disadvantage, community violence, and poor access to social services, transportation, and childcare, serve as barriers to HIV prevention and ...
EthnicGeography TheHumanMosaic Chapter9 Examplesofethnicenclavesinthe UnitedStates NorthBoston MountedstatueofAmericanheroPaulRevere isinanItalianneighborhood MostbusinesseshaveItaliannames Womenleanoutofupper-storywindows conversing—Naples-style—toneighbors ...
In practice, most of the spectators are Garinagu from the neighborhood that are not directly involved. It struck me that there were hardly any people from other ethnic groups in Belize watching the dugus at which I was present. This could be caused by the negative ideas surrounding shamanism...
On smaller-scale level, a child's neighborhood and neighbors may be important drivers of ASD service use and may explain some aspects of racial and ethnic disparities in ASD care. Palmer's (2010) study of Latino ethnicity and school-district level differences in ASD prevalence showed that White...
Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation, racial segregation, and organ donation across 5 states. Am J Transplant. 2020. doi:10.1111/ajt.16186PubMedGoogle Scholar 74. Traino HM, Molisani AJ, Siminoff LA. Regional differences in communication process and outcomes of requests for solid...
The final criteria for establishing neighborhood typologies included percent ethnicity, population density, and percent families in poverty. Operationalizing the ethnoburb in comparison to the ethnic enclave will enable a more nuanced study of coethnic neighborhood effects on health and social problems for...
Department of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel 3 Bnei Zion Medical Center, (Emeritus) The Rappaport Family Faculty of Medicine, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 23774, Israel
Rioux proposed that neighborhood attachment as an affection variable is a critical element in the behavior of secondary school students. Energy knowledge of people, as well as their willingness and ability to act, are important for literacy [21]. De Waters and Powers also proposed that energy ...